Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

& now things start getting interesting ....


The Financial Conduct Authority, which supervises banks and credit providers across the country, asking banks to freeze repayments on loans and credit cards for up to three months for those facing difficulties. The FCA is asking banks to respond to the proposed measures by Monday 6 April, and it wants them to come into force by Thursday 9 April.

So that's errrm 0% ? .. with 0 to pay back ?.

Oh yeah!

Gimme gimmme gimme !!!!!

How to wean the masses off suckling the state money - that will be the challenge!
As usual the impecunious and debt laden are being rewarded - what is the point of saving?
Taxpayers will be squeezed for years to come and the zombie economy kept on life support - this is the path of least resistance!
& now things start getting interesting ....


The Financial Conduct Authority, which supervises banks and credit providers across the country, asking banks to freeze repayments on loans and credit cards for up to three months for those facing difficulties. The FCA is asking banks to respond to the proposed measures by Monday 6 April, and it wants them to come into force by Thursday 9 April.

So that's errrm 0% ? .. with 0 to pay back ?.

Oh yeah!

Gimme gimmme gimme !!!!!


Sounds like they also need to scrap the recently introduced exorbitant overdfraft fees (all overdraft fees) also, that will hit the hardest for those that don't even qualify for a credit card but do have bank accounts that are most likely permanently in the red.
Good news for dogs and cats. Shenzen in China has banned eating them ! About time too.
With just a little bit of luck ...

The authorities continued inept bungling of this fiasco will trigger a run on the banks.

Then we can have a proper full-blown meltdown !

Good news for dogs and cats. Shenzen in China has banned eating them ! About time too.

What about bats?

Ministerial Speak:
"We hope to be able to do testing for all frontline staff in a small number of weeks."

'Stop asking awkward questions.
We're f*cked.
We don't have any test kits for this.
We won't be getting any more for months yet.
We haven't got enough test kits to test our testers with, let alone anyone else.
So we are giving them all little flimsy plastic aprons instead, as this will be sure to offer 'robust protection' from possible contamination or infection- not. Well, maybe from coffee splashes at the vending machine.
Next question ?'

If you watch a bit of this and think it's a bit boring and bland - that's when you're about to be hit with an eye watering belly laugh. Not everyone's cup of tea I know - but I love him. Btw, it's okay to hit a china-man so long as you wash your hands afterwards. Clever, clever stuff, enjoy . . .

Good news for dogs and cats. Shenzen in China has banned eating them ! About time too.

Good news for dogs and cats, but who cares, only people that love dogs and cats think it is abhorrent (and I agree as a pet lover), what about cows, sheep, worms, pigs and any other meat based food source on the planet.

This is nothing short of Chinese govt virtue signalling and a waste of time, here's why:

1. The Chinese have been eating all sorts of animals for thousands of years without problems, why ban it now? What about Whales, dolphin, penguin, elephant, lion, tiger......all manner of other animals that should be banned.
2. The market will be driven underground, if eating these kinds of items has caused the virus (which it hasn't IMO of course) then there will be no chance of regulating it and therefore no chance of stopping a.n.other virus (bullshit of course).
3. Who is going to educate the Chinese with their thousand year old traditions away from eating these items?

Pointless virtue signalling, given the high probability that this is a manmade virus escaped from the Wuhan lab.

All Chinese should be banned from all sorts of endangered, wild animal, poached countries forthwith along with the corrupt regimes allowing it to happen.
There will come an 'uncle point' when ordinary people will no longer be able to withstand the restrictions placed upon them. At that point of 'awakening' all hell will break loose.


Warning: If the sight of an army of gov shills under the video sickens you.
Suddenly all those SJW causes pale into insignificance, GOOD.

Regrouping in the background. Keep a careful watch there soldier.

The left is a virus that's always mutating
And joining the ranks of Royalty as miraculously exempt from the risks of contagion ...

Is Matt Hancock (Health Secretary).

Apparently MP's as well as toffs are immune to the virus and not at all contagious while infected !

It's one law for you, but another for us, we being special.

All are of course equal under the law, with some being just that little bit more equal than others.

Do these buffoons really honestly delude themselves into thinking the rest of us cannot count ??

You know a politician is lying when his lips are moving.

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
Interesting to see if any of the world's religions are able to combat the virus.
Or is all the praying etc. just a load of ancient hocus pocus ?
We can't cure the common cold (still) but a gov mandated cure is on the way. Got it. Thanks.

Well, you lost me!
I'm just putting this out there because it seems relevant to the crisis.
Clearly Giuliani has no grasp on how to ask the doctor the right questions and the proposed treatment is purely experimental which goes against conventional protocols etc.
To my mind, this makes the interview more authentic.