Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Interesting to see if any of the world's religions are able to combat the virus.
Or is all the praying etc. just a load of ancient hocus pocus ?
I saw this a while ago but cant find the full story it seems to have 'disappeared' from youtube.

This cleric declared that people should not be afraid of 'bat flu' and that drinking 'holy water' would prevent the disease. He died 2 days later from 'bat flu'.

US unemployment claimants surge to 6.65 million.

(previous all-time record high was modest 695 thousand back in 1982.)

I'd say that number is rocketing considerably faster than the global virus infected count, but then us mere citizens never were expected to be able to add up ...

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
I saw this a while ago but cant find the full story it seems to have 'disappeared' from youtube.

This cleric declared that people should not be afraid of 'bat flu' and that drinking 'holy water' would prevent the disease. He died 2 days later from 'bat flu'.

This seems very suspect. Just doesn't sound kosher to me.
But oil's up 10% today ...


Was up over 11% ..... then the record-blasting US jobless claim figures came out.

Oh dear, slide that oil flow down half of that already.


And no sooner than I post this, it of course leaps back up to 23%

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When this is all over the Chinese should really have an investigation of what exactly happened. This should be open to international inspection. My guess is that if they ever do have an inquiry it will be opaque with the blame on the West when in fact they were experimenting with germ warfare or something.
Just can't trust a word they are likely to say. There is unlikely to be a sorry we made mistakes scenario. Truth is the first victim of dictatorships.
Radio 4 right now!
Mathematical modeling of viruses.
Epidemiologists talking about the spread.

Hydroxychloroquine can modify the underlying disease process, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

Probably the reason we're not hearing more about this is that it is one of very few drugs that treat the 'cause' of the problem rather than the symptoms. I mean there's no money in curing people once, when you can make billions keeping them sick and charging them for drugs that treat the symptoms forever.
Ordered a Chinese to my house earlier. The Chinese driver pulls up and walks to the door. I walked out to meet him and he started shouting, "Isolate isolate!"

I said, "Calm down mate you're not that late. I only ordered it half an hour ago!"
Hydroxychloroquine can modify the underlying disease process, rather than simply treating the symptoms.

Probably the reason we're not hearing more about this is that it is one of very few drugs that treat the 'cause' of the problem rather than the symptoms. I mean there's no money in curing people once, when you can make billions keeping them sick and charging them for drugs that treat the symptoms forever.

And the whole system geared up to follow restrictive clinical protocols that fly in the face of the situation we find ourselves in.
A total dichotomy of interests going on here.
We have been told that we are in a war setting where people are dropping like flies, where anything we can do for them might help to save them versus a known outcome (certain death) when the disease gets to a certain point.

The mind boggles.
Ordered a Chinese to my house earlier. The Chinese driver pulls up and walks to the door. I walked out to meet him and he started shouting, "Isolate isolate!"

I said, "Calm down mate you're not that late. I only ordered it half an hour ago!"
Are you vying to replace Eddie Large? Its a bit soon. 😉
I hope you apply the same standards of scrutiny and question those who inform and those who rule over you.
Actually, I learned to not trust the media years ago. So much so that today I don’t watch the national news anymore. I only watch the local news because they rarely talk about politics. The only national network I watch is CNBC during the trading day and that’s because I like the business news as it relates to the markets. When they talk about what’s going on in the world it’s usually brief and limited coverage.

A lot of times the national media has chosen to lie by omission. Rather than lying outright about a politician they don’t like, they will choose to withhold a story about him/her that makes them look good. However, if a story is available that makes their favorite politicians look good, it will be the first story of the broadcast many times.

Ditto with stories for politicians that have bad news about them. They tend to withhold bad news stories from their viewers if it’s a politician they like.
So its not all bad news.

WeWork co-founder Adam Neumann has a new title: ex-billionaire.
SoftBank Group Corp.’s decision to scrap an October agreement to buy $3 billion of WeWork stock means the former chief executive officer’s fortune has plummeted 97% to $450 million in less than a year -- wiping away $13.5 billion of his estimated net worth, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

How will he survive with only $450 million left, bet his wife / gf leaves him!
I saw this a while ago but cant find the full story it seems to have 'disappeared' from youtube.

This cleric declared that people should not be afraid of 'bat flu' and that drinking 'holy water' would prevent the disease. He died 2 days later from 'bat flu'.

Thats Karma for you. Or is that only for buddhists?
Large died on 2 April 2020 at Southmead Hospital in Bristol after contracting COVID-19

while in hospital receiving treatment for heart failure

(Eddie Large) Large had suffered from kidney and heart problems for a number of years

Most deaths are people who would have died anyway.

Fake pandemic
empty hospitals
fake numbers
fear porn media
discredited mathematical modellers
compromised WHO
Ignored dissenting medical professionals
And a track record for all of the above

house of cards
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I thought this is timely. Would have posted in "What are you Watching", but thought here might get a wider audience. Off to order it from Waterstones.
I thought this is timely. Would have posted in "What are you Watching", but thought here might get a wider audience. Off to order it from Waterstones.

From their blog :The School of Life is a global organisation helping people lead more fulfilled lives ..

They have 8 rules. (That's globalists for you, their rules are your rules)


Learn to love your slavery. A timely suggestion but no thanks.


Again, no, but you're welcome to accept yours

Here's a random line- People do not reliably end up with the lives they deserve

You don't say. How are the elite managing through this crisis?

Another- We are all, from close up, scared, unsure, full of regret, longing and error.

I could list 25 positive things but they wouldn't fit anywhere in your 8 rules.

Left wing creepy social engineering.

A choice example to unmask it- No one is normal: the only people we can think of as normal are those we don’t yet know very well.

You mean like.. transgendered men having babies- that's normal but you? nah you're a fuck up because-

No one has yet had a ‘normal’ childhood; this is no insult to the efforts of families.

Insult? no way. (even though you actually said it unprovoked)

How could attacking every normal nuclear family without exception be an insult to every parent who did their best to raise a family through thick and thin?

At least they don't attack the idea of love. Oh wait a minute-

Compatibility isn’t a prerequisite for love; it is the achievement of love. Typical left wing 2+2=5 statement

Sorry Trendie Hopefully I haven't put you off handing over your money to line the pockets of left wing globalists peddling this bilge
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