Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

From their blog :The School of Life is a global organisation helping people lead more fulfilled lives ..

They have 8 rules. (That's globalists for you, their rules are your rules)


Learn to love your slavery. A timely suggestion but no thanks.


Again, no, but you're welcome to accept yours

Here's a random line- People do not reliably end up with the lives they deserve

You don't say. How are the elite managing through this crisis?

Another- We are all, from close up, scared, unsure, full of regret, longing and error.

I could list 25 positive things but they wouldn't fit anywhere in your 8 rules.

Left wing creepy social engineering.

A choice example to unmask it- No one is normal: the only people we can think of as normal are those we don’t yet know very well.

You mean like.. transgendered men having babies- that's normal but you? nah you're a fuck up because-

No one has yet had a ‘normal’ childhood; this is no insult to the efforts of families.

Insult? no way. (even though you actually said it unprovoked)

How could attacking every normal nuclear family without exception be an insult to every parent who did their best to raise a family through thick and thin?

At least they don't attack the idea of love. Oh wait a minute-

Compatibility isn’t a prerequisite for love; it is the achievement of love. Typical left wing 2+2=5 statement

Sorry Trendie Hopefully I haven't put you off handing over your money to line the pockets of left wing globalists peddling this bilge

Common Purpose has a lot to answer for.
”Researchers can, however, offer a preliminary account of what the new coronavirus does to the people it infects. Once in the body, it likely attacks the ACE2-bearing cells that line our airways. Dying cells slough away, filling the airways with junk and carrying the virus deeper into the body, down toward the lungs. As the infection progresses, the lungs clog with dead cells and fluid, making breathing more difficult. (The virus might also be able to infect ACE2-bearing cells in other organs, including the gut and blood vessels.)

The immune system fights back and attacks the virus; this is what causes inflammation and fever. But in extreme cases, the immune system goes berserk, causing more damage than the actual virus. For example, blood vessels might open up to allow defensive cells to reach the site of an infection; that’s great, but if the vessels become too leaky, the lungs fill even more with fluid. These damaging overreactions are called cytokine storms. They were historically responsible for many deaths during the 1918 flu pandemic, H5N1 bird flu outbreaks, and the 2003 SARS outbreak. And they’re probably behind the most severe cases of COVID-19. “These viruses need time to adapt to a human host,” says Akiko Iwasaki of the Yale School of Medicine. “When they’re first trying us out, they don’t know what they’re doing, and they tend to elicit these responses.”

During a cytokine storm, the immune system isn’t just going berserk but is also generally off its game, attacking at will without hitting the right targets. When this happens, people become more susceptible to infectious bacteria. The storms can also affect other organs besides the lungs, especially if people already have chronic diseases. This might explain why some COVID-19 patients end up with complications such as heart problems and secondary infections.”
Why do I get this gut feeling, that despite the brilliant people working for the NHS, there is an element within the NHS that is so far anti-Tory that they might, just might, hold-up the process of ordering PPE to worsen the situation for political gain!?!
Sorry Trendie Hopefully I haven't put you off handing over your money to line the pockets of left wing globalists peddling this bilge
Erm, I don't think I have been handing my money to them. (The School of Life)
I was posting about a synopsis about Albert Camus novel, The Plague.
I have always liked Camus existential view, and how he saw the world, as expressed through his works.
Liking a book doesnt't mean I endorse the views therein.
Finding an easy source that explores a book doesn't mean I endorse the source.
Nothing more sinister than that.
Why do I get this gut feeling, that despite the brilliant people working for the NHS, there is an element within the NHS that is so far anti-Tory that they might, just might, hold-up the process of ordering PPE to worsen the situation for political gain!?!
Surely, it might be better for them to blow the whistle on the hoax, by openly walking through the wards without masks on.
David Knight might feel vindicated.
Unless, it isn't a hoax.
Surely, it might be better for them to blow the whistle on the hoax, by openly walking through the wards without masks on.
David Knight might feel vindicated.
Unless, it isn't a hoax.

Just caught a listen to BBC R2 Jeremy Vine, I think he was talking to Mr Whitty who appeared to be apologising for overstating the number of deaths, downgraded to less than 20,000 from 250,000 or something like that, I only stopped to listen whilst passing so didn't get the full context.

So a normal flu year then! What, exactly, have we just trashed our economy for?
I think we could be in a situation that I frst mooted, that global governments may have had a knee jerk reaction to a virus that they suspect could be dangerous (because of close proximity to the Wuhan lab) and had no idea what to do about it other than lockdown protocols.

Damned if they do and damned if they don't, a v.difficult challenge indeed.
Surely, it might be better for them to blow the whistle on the hoax, by openly walking through the wards without masks on.
David Knight might feel vindicated.
Unless, it isn't a hoax.

I just want to see something that fits the narrative, but I keep finding empty hospitals.

Btw our friend, the nurse who was sent home instead of being put on a ventilator is recovering - without NHS treatment.

I'm waiting for anybody to post a summary list that rebutts the ones I post.

It should be easy to bat people like me into the weeds.
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I think we could be in a situation that I frst mooted, that global governments may have had a knee jerk reaction to a virus that they suspect could be dangerous (because of close proximity to the Wuhan lab) and had no idea what to do about it other than lockdown protocols.

Damned if they do and damned if they don't, a v.difficult challenge indeed.

The problem with that idea is, rather than waliking it back in the face of mounting evidence they are doubling down.
I've been corresponding with my brother who lives on Vancouver Island, British Columbia. Yesterday, I wrote: " . . .Keeping entire nations in lock down until a vaccine is produced is not a viable strategy IMO, mainly because the world will go broke long before then. 90% of UK businesses will go under if this lasts more than six months. So, waiting a year or eighteen months simply isn't an option, not least because I suspect civil unrest will set in long before then: rioting, looting, violent crime - the lot. . ."

In his reply today he wrote: " . . . Here people are not without income. Every one who has lost work or a job owing to the pandemic is guaranteed $2000 a month*; heating and electricity bills have been forgiven in BC; mortgage interest payments have been postponed. So I don’t expect riots and looting to happen here . . ."
Approx GDP £1,1500 NB: I added the emphasis.

I was struck by this as my stepson - who's lost all of his work because of the pandemic and literally has no income at all - has just been told how much Universal Credit he will receive. Have a guess, do you think it's anywhere near the amount he'd get if he lived in Canada? Well, you're right - nowhere near, just £317.00 per month to cover everything! If this is typical of the payments being made, then hundreds of thousands of people will be forced into debt and the somewhat apocalyptic vision I outlined in the e-mail to my brother might not be so crazy.
I think we could be in a situation that I frst mooted, that global governments may have had a knee jerk reaction to a virus that they suspect could be dangerous (because of close proximity to the Wuhan lab) and had no idea what to do about it other than lockdown protocols.

Damned if they do and damned if they don't, a v.difficult challenge indeed.
Theres the Rumsfeldism of Known Knowns, Known Unknowns, and Unknown Unknowns.

People are having to make critical decisions based on insufficient or imperfect information, and reasonable conjectures.
As new information comes to light, policies have to be swiftly revised, and new tack taken.
This is not a movie, with a clear, linear plot, with clues appearing at just the right time, in just the right order.
Its a fog of info, someones has to make sense of.
I do not envy decisions these ministers and advisors are having to make.
Maybe a short lockdown would help to clarify the scale of the problem, to better plan next phase.

As per timsk, there needs to be a better plan for people meantime, unless unrest unravels any plans.
Plan, lol

Are there no workhouses ?

Be there not soup kitchens ?

Have they no shame ?

Let them eat cake !

There's always the soylent green food banks.

Plan, lol

Are there no workhouses ?

Be there not soup kitchens ?

Have they no shame ?

Let them eat cake !

There's always the soylent green food banks.

Plenty of mince and sausages in the shops now.
But no duck now.😒

Only 35 news cases in Australia yesterday, are we normal again.
Don't tell the media or government.
There not listening anyway.

Maybe the lock them up when they arrive is working.


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Aren't you guys discussing the point that the cure administered is far worse than the disease?

People can assess their own risk and take their own measures.

Do we really need big Gs making a pigs dinner of it all.

Much ado about nothing. I concur with the sceptical view that far too much is made of this seasonal flu which may be on par to that experienced in 2014/15.

Somebody at work said we had 3 years of Brexit and approximately, 3 months of Covid. 🙄 🙄

I dread to imagine what we'll have next. Recession? War? Drought? Climate Change? Floods? Diarrhoea? And how long it may last.

I think we are ready for the coming of the next Messiah. 😱😱😱
Aren't you guys discussing the point that the cure administered is far worse than the disease?

I think we are ready for the coming of the next Messiah. 😱😱😱
He's already here ...
He's already here ...

LOL - I see what you mean...

I sometimes wonder if these people are for real.

Talking of Jehova witnesses, I've started receiving emails to donate blood again. Stocks must be running low as I don't usually get them.

If any of you out there have time on your hands now would be a good time to do something awesome. 👍 - Sign up here...
What is most extraordinary about all this, bizarrely, is that it will be a resounding success for government policy. By ordering shutdowns to try and spread out the inevitable death toll to manageable rates, governments around the world have also ordered a huge reduction in economic activity unprecedented in its speed and depth. They have required, instructed and requested a massive recession - and they will get just exactly that.

If economic indicators thus far available are anything to go by, then the so called 'great depression' of last century is going to look like a Sunday walk in the park by comparison to whats coming our way.

How exactly those same governments propose to deal with that looming crisis isn't something we are hearing any of them talk about. One thing that is pretty certain is that the resulting poverty will kill far more people than covid19 possibly could.

Aren't you guys discussing the point that the cure administered is far worse than the disease?

People can assess their own risk and take their own measures.
Do we really need big Gs making a pigs dinner of it all.
Much ado about nothing. I concur with the sceptical view that far too much is made of this seasonal flu which may be on par ...
I think we are ready for the coming of the next Messiah. 😱😱😱

Yes we are!

Doesn't there come a point when the 'cure is worse than the disease' !
These viruses are appearing on a more frequent basis (hence covid NINETEEN) , this is down to overpopulation and mass travel around the world. It's natures 'cure' for the human virus which is growing exponentially on Earth. This will happen again, and again, so will the governments keep crashing the economies and blighting the whole world making everyone suffer (I'm thinking people from China, India, third world countries) thats not a great future to contemplate, unless of course you're the Government and can impose sweeping powers on all citizens.
Imagine a World Government with the sweeping powers of China or Russia or North Korea or Hungary, Cuba, Sudan, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Congo, Vietnam, Cameroon, Iraq, Venezuela ... there are 50 in the world sorry 51 it appears the numbers are growing not shrinking!

Also, this is convenient for the Chinese and French governments because the protesters in HongKong and the Yellow Vests are all under house arrest.