Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Still can't understand the loo paper thing though.....

🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


When all is said and done, it's a variant of the Flu Virus.
Which has co-evolved with humanity for millions of years.
Thus 99.999% of people with normal, average, functioning immune systems will barely notice it.

Most humans easily survive well over a hundred Flu infections in their lifetime, occasionally suffering short spells of high fever and incapacity in the process.

Yes, it's a killer in extreme cases or for those with compromised immunity, but it's one we've evolved to live with.

It's not the black death or smallpox.


Some say it is is not like any flu virus they've seen.

I'm wondering if it was cultivated??? Overactive imagination maybe? 🤔

When all is said and done, it's a variant of the Flu Virus.
Which has co-evolved with humanity for millions of years.
Thus 99.999% of people with normal, average, functioning immune systems will barely notice it.

Most humans easily survive well over a hundred Flu infections in their lifetime, occasionally suffering short spells of high fever and incapacity in the process.

Yes, it's a killer in extreme cases or for those with compromised immunity, but it's one we've evolved to live with.

It's not the black death or smallpox.


Yes indeed, its not the Black Death - but if you have a suppressed immune system, it might be.

Which is troubling, especially when a pretty good way to compromise your immune system is to go into an NHS hospital......
Bad advice I think to stay indoors all day and night. Much better to go out for walks and fresh air. Just keep your distance from others though.
. . . So perhaps you and others can explain to us HOW we get it under control.
Hi c_v,
That's an easy two word answer: herd immunity.
Without being tested, I can't know for sure, but I strongly suspect I had the virus at the tail end of January as I went down with the symptoms whilst on holiday in Spain (Malaga). I know what I had wasn't a 'normal' winter cold as I'd had that over Christmas and had only just recovered from it. Also, the key symptom was a constant cough - and I mean constant - which resulted in two strained muscles - one in my left man boob and the other in my groin. Very painful and debilitating it was too. I didn't do anything about it at the time because there were no reports of anyone in Europe with the virus. Supposedly, it was confined to China. So, how did I get it? Malaga has a large Chinese community, many of whom run the numerous mini-markets littered all over the city. My best guess is that I caught it from one of these; there was one opposite our accommodation which we used to pop into for the basics, water and - you've guessed it - loo roll!
.. I strongly suspect I had the virus at the tail end of January as I went down with the symptoms whilst on holiday in Spain (Malaga).
Are you effectively admitting to being a "super-spreader" and one that was unchecked as the other key guy who was identified was at least tracked for all of his contacts ? Also, did Mrs Timsk succumb to they same ?
Are you effectively admitting to being a "super-spreader" and one that was unchecked as the other key guy who was identified was at least tracked for all of his contacts ? Also, did Mrs Timsk succumb to they same ?
Hi Paul,
My contention is that the authorities worldwide (and especially here in the UK) are well behind the curve in terms of how far the virus has spread and how many are infected. I suspect there are thousands - perhaps hundreds of thousands - of people with the virus who either don't realise it or, like me, have had it and recovered from it. I'm sure I wasn't the only person in the UK who had the symptoms in late Jan' / early Feb' and who - like me - did nothing about it because we were lead to believe that the virus was confined to China. So no, I doubt I'm a 'super-spreader', not least because I don't know of anyone else I've been in contact with who's had the symptoms. At my worst (and most infectious) was on the day we returned home from Spain. I've kept a close eye for reports of people getting the virus who returned from Malaga at the same time as us: I'm not aware of any. Also, I was sensible: I went straight to bed for five days didn't mix with others (besides Mrs. timsk) until I was confident I was no longer infectious. And Mrs. timsk is fine; she never gets the same illnesses as me at the same time as me - she's clever like that!

When all is said and done, it's a variant of the Flu Virus.
Which has co-evolved with humanity for millions of years.
Thus 99.999% of people with normal, average, functioning immune systems will barely notice it.

Most humans easily survive well over a hundred Flu infections in their lifetime, occasionally suffering short spells of high fever and incapacity in the process.

Yes, it's a killer in extreme cases or for those with compromised immunity, but it's one we've evolved to live with.

It's not the black death or smallpox.

It’s certainly not flu but it is a virus ( corona type)
SARS- cov1 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) was very similar ( Around 2003) this is actually officially called SARS-cov2. SARS-1 mainly affected China and Hong Kong. One of the reasons the Chinese response was so swift and effective was they had pandemic plans in place and they exercise them. So does Hong Kong, Singapore and S. Korea.
After SARs-1 most other countries had half- baked plans which were rarely dusted off and when they were too late!
Here Endeth the lesson.
tough times for everyone

just keep it real ....neither over the top full body kit nonsense or silly reckless germ spreading either

sensible and calm approach , helping others when i can personally at home and across social media like Linked in where i try to give biz advice and comment alongside my trading stuff

also im giving my biz clients free support for next few months ......least i can do

We brits were born for this stuff ......KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON

(oh yeah ..........and hammer the sh*t out of these wonderful volatile markets)

Hi Paul,
My contention is that the authorities worldwide (and especially here in the UK) are well behind the curve in terms of how far the virus has spread and how many are infected. I suspect there are thousands - perhaps hundreds of thousands - of people with the virus who either don't realise it or, like me, have had it and recovered from it. I'm sure I wasn't the only person in the UK who had the symptoms in late Jan' / early Feb' and who - like me - did nothing about it because we were lead to believe that the virus was confined to China. So no, I doubt I'm a 'super-spreader', not least because I don't know of anyone else I've been in contact with who's had the symptoms. At my worst (and most infectious) was on the day we returned home from Spain. I've kept a close eye for reports of people getting the virus who returned from Malaga at the same time as us: I'm not aware of any. Also, I was sensible: I went straight to bed for five days didn't mix with others (besides Mrs. timsk) until I was confident I was no longer infectious. And Mrs. timsk is fine; she never gets the same illnesses as me at the same time as me - she's clever like that!

we cancelled a canaries trip 2 weeks ago and was going out 1st march ......i wasnt concerned about myself was the worry of getting logjammed in canaries once the shit hit the fan as independent travellers .....

which it has now ......jees that was fast from Spainish gov.......we were due to be out there for another week so it was the right call........I dont judge people who have travelled as we may have also taken the chance if we didnt have responsibilities at home......... we have a 85 year old sickly parent ......couldnt leave her like this ....

Officer on Watch:
"Massive Iceberg Ahead, Captain."

Petty Officer:
"Raging Fire in the hold, Sir."

Ship's Engineer:
"She cannee take any more Captain."

"Thieves have stolen all the toilet tissue on board."

Batten all the hatches. Confine the passengers. Nobody enters or leaves.
Keep the helm steady as She goes, there.
Full Steam Ahead. Run those presses as fast as they'll go.
See the Purser gets all the bills he needs to replace the stolen tissue.
They may as well be good for something ..."

Don't want to panic but I think I might have picked something up in London at the weekend.......

Hot, achey, drowsy, been sleeping all day. Somethin's starting.....