That seems pretty optimistic, Tim, relying first on whether businesses can weather the storm in the short term - shouldn’t like to be running an airline, for example - and second whether future demand picks up quickly where I suspect confidence will take some time to recover, let alone the wherewithal.
The economic situation has been brought about by government action, rather than the virus itself which, although nasty and virulent, is only flu with a death rate a couple of percent higher than other flu strains. I’m very high risk since at 80 it’d likely be a death knell if I picked it up on top of the lung infection I’ve got at the moment (getting better 🙂) so in lock-down for the duration and next holiday about to be cancelled. If I were one of the 80% who can expect only a week’s nasty fluey type illness, at worst, then I’d be pretty miffed that my life (and wealth) was being so heavily disrupted.