Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Apply your logic instead of taking these statements told to you by respectable looking bodies in white coats.
Misunderstanding N°1: I don't. As I have said before - I'm sceptical of most things, including scepticism.
The WHOLE fiasco about asymptomatic spreaders from the WHO and why they had to clarify was because they had to own up to stating there was no EVIDENCE for asymptomatic Covid-19 spreaders but that it was something that was possible.
Misunderstanding N°2: CV19 isn't a radically new and improved plague from another planet but a member of a family that's been living in your neighbourhood for eons and in a recorded and analysed way since the 1960's. Again, as I mentioned earlier, the previous 18 viruses and their attendant studies dealt with transmission vectors and the matter of being infected without apparent symptoms. If you fall into the "it's just flu" camp then do think of it being just like flu and that if you breathe on someone whilst infected whilst not displaying symptoms that neither means that the lucky person will automatically get it...or not. Sharpen your oogling quill and do some reading on viral shedding.
Saying it's possible has more to do with Testing and Tracing trying to find the source and account for how the little microscopic droplets were being transmitted. Because they can't account or explain how one body got the virus given the possibilities (much like zero=0) it's very useful to explain away the unknown.
Misunderstanding N°3: I'm not a fan of Test and Trace and tried to nudge you into understanding that by my reference to Bayes. If you can't be arsed to do any serious reading then at least have a cursory glance at a Wiki article which I'm sure will explain the reasons for my position in a few lines.
I re-iterate to you in the absence of any symptoms to say the virus can be spread is just not science. The transmission mechanism MUST be explained not GUESSED at!
Misunderstanding N°4: Aaaaaaargh! Just repeating what you want to be true (or not) doesn't change anything. Once more with feeling: this virus is not the plague to end all plagues nor is it flu but it most definitely is a corona virus and with that in mind it does share several attributes in common with the happy family - transmission vectors, incubation periods, infection rates, symptoms or lack of them etc etc
As for incubation period, personally for me I know when subtle changes start taking place in my body before I get a cold or the flu.
Misunderstanding N°5: (This is getting as tiresome to write just as much as it is to read) You might well be a master in the art of subtle change detection but just how subtle and how much of a master are you? Our own dear Timskling was afflicted and felt rough but not rough enough to think that there was something abnormally abnormal. Unless you know a lot more than you're letting on I'd hazard that you'd be hard pressed to self-diagnose CV19 against some other lurgy...or maybe a hangover. If you care to re-read my previous where I mentioned the sequence of events that led up to my BinLaw's demise you'll deduce that someone was either asymptomatic whilst being infectious or telling porkies.
However, to say somebody can function fully well at 100% capacity and carry on for 14 days 21 days and all the silly numbers they made up at the beginning is total tosh.
Misunde....oh bollox, I can't be buggered. If you aren't your own Stradivarius and so in tune with your body that you can tell when your Ying is a milli-grommet out in relation to your Yang then you'd be just like the rest of us mortals. We have good days and less good days but we don't spend hours of those days inspecting our navels and agonising just how we feel. We throw down some caffeine, take an extra glass of red, shout some abuse at some innocent (you have your ways, I have mine) and carry on. Have I had the virus? Dunno. Am I infected? Dunno. Have I infected someone? Dunno. Will I dies tomorrows? Dunno.....I am feeling a bit off-colour this a.m though. And I feel this curious urge to sink my teeth into the barista's neck. To be fair, that last bit's not new.

Here is one example for you. The number of asymptomatic people who tested positive for Covid-19 in one South Ayrshire town - Daily Record

Reading that piece of trash I want to laugh out loud. The testing unit in the town was established to find out how many asymptomatic cases of the virus were in the area. There conclusion is that if you are out and about feeling ok but test positive (assuming it's a freaking accurate test) then one is asymptomatic. HOW BLEEDING RIDICULOUS IS THAT?

Your average nanny and granddad can draw the same conclusion as you but to me that is total sh!te.
See my previous comments
So if you want to insist there are 14,000 super asymptomatic spreaders out there going about their daily BAU lives I'm surprised we only have 2m Covid infections over the last 9 months with 8 billion people in the world.
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Ah, misrepresentation!....or is it Reductio ad Absurdum? or maybe just a bit of both. Nothing like a good cocktail - though I do tend to stick to g&t meself. As you well know, I did not say that there were "14,000 super asymptomatic spreaders out there" and merely referenced a study on Sars. What I did do...I rather like did done..but as I'm nearer London than Louisiana I'll stick with the first one - anyways, I did do some inferring that certain data might be similar and therefore not a huge surprise. As you are an experienced project manager and consultant you obviously use (or at least have a nodding acquaintance with) inferential might even be a trend-follower like me, who knows; the point being that when you haven't got all the data the very best that you can do is make inferences.

A final word: I learned yesterday that the young son of some friends has tested positive and is coughin' like a goodun. The family have now been in isolation for a few days but so far neither Mum nor dad are showing any symptoms despite being tested positive as well.

I'll let you know who dies🙂
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Misunderstanding N°1: I don't. As I have said before - I'm sceptical of most things, including scepticism.

Misunderstanding N°2: CV19 isn't a radically new and improved plague from another planet but a member of a family that's been living in your neighbourhood for eons and in a recorded and analysed way since the 1960's. Again, as I mentioned earlier, the previous 18 viruses and their attendant studies dealt with transmission vectors and the matter of being infected without apparent symptoms. If you fall into the "it's just flu" camp then do think of it being just like flu and that if you breathe on someone whilst infected whilst not displaying symptoms that neither means that the lucky person will automatically get it...or not. Sharpen your oogling quill and do some reading on viral shedding.

Misunderstanding N°3: I'm not a fan of Test and Trace and tried to nudge you into understanding that by my reference to Bayes. If you can't be arsed to do any serious reading then at least have a cursory glance at a Wiki article which I'm sure will explain the reasons for my position in a few lines.

Misunderstanding N°4: Aaaaaaargh! Just repeating what you want to be true (or not) doesn't change anything. Once more with feeling: this virus is not the plague to end all plagues nor is it flu but it most definitely is a corona virus and with that in mind it does share several attributes in common with the happy family - transmission vectors, incubation periods, infection rates, symptoms or lack of them etc etc

Misunderstanding N°5: (This is getting as tiresome to write just as much as it is to read) You might well be a master in the art of subtle change detection but just how subtle and how much of a master are you? Our own dear Timskling was afflicted and felt rough but not rough enough to think that there was something abnormally abnormal. Unless you know a lot more than you're letting on I'd hazard that you'd be hard pressed to self-diagnose CV19 against some other lurgy...or maybe a hangover. If you care to re-read my previous where I mentioned the sequence of events that led up to my BinLaw's demise you'll deduce that someone was either asymptomatic whilst being infectious or telling porkies.

Misunde....oh bollox, I can't be buggered. If you aren't your own Stradivarius and so in tune with your body that you can tell when your Ying is a milli-grommet out in relation to your Yang then you'd be just like the rest of us mortals. We have good days and less good days but we don't spend hours of those days inspecting our navels and agonising just how we feel. We throw down some caffeine, take an extra glass of red, shout some abuse at some innocent (you have your ways, I have mine) and carry on. Have I had the virus? Dunno. Am I infected? Dunno. Have I infected someone? Dunno. Will I dies tomorrows? Dunno.....I am feeling a bit off-colour this a.m though. And I feel this curious urge to sink my teeth into the barista's neck. To be fair, that last bit's not new.

See my previous comments

Ah, misrepresentation!....or is it Reductio ad Absurdum? or maybe just a bit of both. Nothing like a good cocktail - though I do tend to stick to g&t meself. As you well know, I did not say that there were "14,000 super asymptomatic spreaders out there" and merely referenced a study on Sars. What I did do...I rather like did done..but as I'm nearer London than Louisiana I'll stick with the first one - anyways, I did do some inferring that certain data might be similar and therefore not a huge surprise. As you are an experienced project manager and consultant you obviously use (or at least have a nodding acquaintance with) inferential might even be a trend-follower like me, who knows; the point being that when you haven't got all the data the very best that you can do is make inferences.

A final word: I learned yesterday that the young son of some friends has tested positive and is coughin' like a goodun. The family have now been in isolation for a few days but so far neither Mum nor dad are showing any symptoms despite being tested positive as well.

I'll let you know who dies🙂

Hi Canta,

Thank you for a really lovely response, which I read with a smile on my face. You are a super chap and love all your posts. I see Covid 19 as just another lurgy. I thought Ebola was considerably worse. I'm simply an average layman and giving up the ghost with Covid 19 nonsense.

For me the data does not support all the drivel and tosh in the MSM. I also don't think much of government advisors or forecasters. They are just another bunch of pen pushing bureaucrats who not always deserve the position they hold.

I have some empathy for you as you are so close to it with deaths in your family members. fwiw, my Nephew caught it and coughed for 4 weeks without any medication and recovered. My dear mother also caught it and she too coughed for 3 weeks and was put on 3 courses of antibiotics before being admitted to hospital for a week. Placed on Do Not Resuscitate and given an oxygen tube with her usual course of meds. She came back out within a week wanting to die at home. She has recovered and still pottering around. She is 80+ and probably on her last legs. However, knowing my mum, and her condition, if she can beat it I'm a little taken aback as to how ghastly this virus is and what determines how aggressive it can be.

Do not wish to prolong this debate as it's not going anywhere other than the brown chute. Asymptomatic drivel is just that. Hyperbole as the EGGperts don't know either. It just sort of fits nicely in explaining some random spread. In another 30 years time perhaps we'll know.

Just having a trump moment here. Cancer is pretty deadly. Why is it that so many people can die of it and yet it is not contagious? Before you all shout out it's not airborne I still think there is much we don't know. So can we say all cancer sufferers are Asymptomatic? Probably not imo. The last stages of cancer have some horrible affects on the body and yet everyone else is immune to it.

When lady Diane was photographed holding a HIV patients hand, did the medical profession shout out Asymptomatic hand. No because HIV is not airborne either. Having said that, I'd be careful about your Barista habits as one never knows.

Have a g88d day.

👍 🙂👍
I thought Ebola was considerably worse.
Nonsense! It's just a cold. Now pack your bag and go to school!
Cancer is pretty deadly. Why is it that so many people can die of it and yet it is not contagious? Before you all shout out it's not airborne I still think there is much we don't know. So can we say all cancer sufferers are Asymptomatic? Probably not imo. The last stages of cancer have some horrible affects on the body and yet everyone else is immune to it.
Not shouting or shiting but it ain't a virus. Cancer is just an erroneous reproduction of cells. Early thinking was that the more cells one had the more likely some would turn cancerous...then a splendid chap called Peto pointed out that elephants and whales don't appear to have heard that news. This paradox was resolved quite some time ago (definitively in the last 10 odd years) with the research done on a gene catchily named TP53. This gene - plse check me on this - is able to correct dna damage and is therefore able to zap cancerous growths with the protein it makes. My understanding is that the principal reason why we humans are so prone to cancer is that we lack sufficient copies of this gene to manufacture enough protein to exterminate the mutant horde. Apparently we have just one example of TP53 but yer jumbo has over that would kind of explain why we get it all the time and he doesn't hardly at all. Now all we have to do is work out how to manufacture copies at will....Simples.
When lady Diane was photographed holding a HIV patients hand, did the medical profession shout out Asymptomatic hand. No because HIV is not airborne either.
Weeeell, yeeees- ish.
It's all very well to say that now but we're getting on for 40 years after the first studies and I'm sure that you can remember all the bollox that people (politicians, Fleet Street** etc etc) were saying for at least the first couple of decades. Now we know better and we have to go through the same process with Covid19 with the only difference being that we might be able to work through our angst and ignorance somewhat faster. Whatever you might think about the reality of it, the fact that there is a possibly working vaccine in the present time-frame is an amazing achievement.
....and now: absolutely No: Covid and HIV are different animules completely and you might as be comparing Stilton to Scotch - yeh, sure, both can be consumed but that's about where the similarities end.
Having said that, I'd be careful about your Barista habits as one never knows.
True.... but I do find her exceptionally diverting. She could turn me into one of the undead but I feel it might almost be worth it. What a way to half go!

**when there was such a thing - remember Eddie Shah?
Perhaps the boys and girls with brains can make a sort of anti virus that feeds exclusively on the covid virus !!
A squirt of which could clear the area.
Wonder if it would work on politicians ? lol
Thought I had stepped on one once and there was an awful squelching sound and a unbelievable stink.
On closer inspection it turned out to be dog poo !
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Hum your way to health!
(Breathwork, humming, nitric oxide, covid.)
(Came across this guy via Joe Rogan; he, Nestor, had a "transformative experience" whilst undergoing deep breathing.)


Those mice 'aint dumb!

Tennessee Nurse Passes Out On Camera Minutes After Taking COVID-19 Vaccine​

Bring it on, baby. I’ve been called in for my jab next Tuesday - can’t wait.
Careful, you might be allergic to common sense!

"Many viral vaccines that we all know, such as for polio and influenza, use live or attenuated virus strains as their active component. Influenza vaccine is largely manufactured in live chicken eggs"

"Who should not have the flu vaccine
Most adults can have the flu vaccine, but you should avoid it if you have had a serious allergic reaction to a flu vaccine in the past.
You may be at risk of an allergic reaction to the flu vaccine injection if you have an egg allergy. This is because some flu vaccines are made using eggs."

"A true allergy is one in which the immune system produces defensive antibodies against a substance that is otherwise harmless. This differs from a drug sensitivity in which there is a reaction but no production of antibodies.
An allergy to the flu vaccine is concerning because it can lead to a potentially life-threatening allergy known as anaphylaxis."

"The coronavirus pandemic ...has driven innovation and adoption of novel vaccine manufacturing technologies in a very short space of time. The advantages of these vaccine approaches mean that traditional egg-based influenza vaccine manufacture could well be phased out in the coming years."
Really sure that having tier 4 on your doorstep just a short ferry trip away from open pubs and shops will not end well. I don't believe tier 1 here will last if the surge of tier 3/4 escapees continues.

& todays's headline:

'Out-of-control UK Gov plunges country in Christmas Crisis'

Posts closed. Flights grounded. Motorways converted to lorry parks.

EU has rightly banned any exit of persons from the leper colony on it's doorstep.

We didn't even have to wait the extra days for Brexit to do it 🤣

Call it an early Christmas present from the Cabinet, just as scrutiny from Parliament has naffed off for the holidays.

EU has rightly banned any exit of persons from the leper colony on it's doorstep.

Now there's a thought: we can return to the good old days and instead of lanyards or wimpy wrist bands we can just use little bells and chant "unclean, unclean"....a super-efficient way of getting rid of any queues to just about anywhere really.

More seriously, it is unfortunate that the sensible have to die along with the stupid but the latter have the right to infect who they choose and judging by the scenes in the supermarkets/stations yesterday there's no danger of that changing. Tier 5,6 and 7 here we come.

..and a Very Merry Christmas to One and All
It is. It is. It's brilliant.

Airline shares fell 14% and recovered to -8%.

6% swing in minutes = ££££'s.

More, more, please, more !

I was long EG over the weekend as I thought that the Brexit farce was entering a new yet even more absurd phase but I never expected such fun. 'tis truly the season of Good Cheer 🙂
This morning's panic buying will include "lettuce, some prepack salad leaves, cauliflowers, broccoli and citrus fruits - all of which are imported from the continent at this time of year."

'Close the ports and make me lolly'
'Fa la la la la, lah lah lah lah'

Ocado swing 4.25% 👍

More, please Boris, more. You know you want to.
