Asian Coronavirus Outbreak

Aaaand the Met. Police just told the Gov. to fook off, rather publically.

🤣 🤣 🤣

You couldn't make it up.

'In todays episode of uksoap.... '

"We won't be arresting families for eating Xmas dinner"


Who shouted 'Leper' first, kinda losing track.

All shouting it now;

Countries already include:

  • Europe: France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, the Netherlands, Ireland, Austria, Portugal, Sweden, Belgium, Bulgaria, Switzerland, Croatia, Finland, Romania, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania
  • North America: Canada
  • Latin America: Argentina, El Salvador, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador
  • Middle East and North Africa: Turkey, Israel, Iran, Kuwait, Morocco. Saudi Arabia
No Lepers. No entry. Go away.

I remember now, it was Macky 'Le Leper!'

Just popping down Tescos, anyone want anything?
You might want to think twice before subjecting yourself to this so called vaccine.

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Socially - distanced flood relief and evacuations in Bedfordshire. 😁


You might want to think twice before subjecting yourself to this so called vaccine.

Remember folks.

If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
. . . and here it is. I'm posting it in case any subscribers to this thread like the idea of doing the same but don't have the time to draft something of their own. Feel free to copy and generally plagiarise my effort any way you see fit. The first three paragrapghs relate to old correspondence and our local situation. Thereafter, it's generic stuff that applies to pretty well everyone. Enjoy . . .

Letter to Anthony Mangnall MP
Totnes Constituency

Dear Anthony,
We corresponded a few months ago and, at that time, I implored you to vote against further coronavirus restrictions, specifically the second lockdown that we’re all currently having to endure. In your reply dated 22nd September you wrote: “ . . . I agree with all the points you raise. . .” and went on to say: “. . .we have to live with this virus and any restrictive measures only kick the can further down the road.” In light of your comments, you can imagine my shock and dismay when I discovered that on 4th November you voted ‘aye’ for the government's ‘Health Protection - Coronavirus Restrictions’. Saying one thing and then doing another was the hallmark of your predecessor, Dr. Sarah Wollaston, and is the primary reason why you now have her job. Please learn from her mistake, don’t repeat it, otherwise I fear you’ll suffer the same fate as her. To wit, this leads me to the purpose of this letter . . .

For a second time, I implore you to vote against the government’s latest proposed tiered restrictions, set to come into effect after lockdown #2 ends on 2nd December. There is no rationale behind them: why oh why is our Totnes constituency destined to be in tier 2 when we have one of the lowest ‘case’ numbers in the country? This is unacceptable and will be devastating to many businesses in the run up to Christmas, especially the already hard hit tourist and hospitality sectors. I urge you not to vote to destroy the jobs of others and, if you do, don’t be too surprised if you end up losing yours. Secondly, there is no solid evidence that such measures work or, at best, as you yourself rightly say: “. . .only kick the can further down the road”. You are quoted on Radio Exe’s website as saying: “ . . . I have been perfectly clear, I will not vote for another lockdown. I will support the tier measures, provided they are based on accurate information and divided in the correct manner, and that must be done in a way that reflects what is going on in the ground.” I worry that you are being hoodwinked by government ministers and their advisors into thinking there is any appreciable difference between lockdowns and tiered restrictions. There isn’t, the latter amounts to a de facto lockdown, especially given that the tiered measures will, almost certainly, continue until at least next Easter. Be consistent, you can’t be anti-lockdown on the one hand and support on/off, up/down, stop/start tiered restrictions on the other. All are unnecessary, they solve nothing, all the while they are highly destructive.

If you have already decided that you will vote against the government next week, then there’s no need to read any further or to reply to this e-mail. However, if you’re undecided, and particularly if you’re inclined to vote ‘aye’ once again, then please read on and heed the scientific evidence that I provide which clearly shows you’ll be making a very grave mistake.

There are many things the government has got wrong in its response to this pandemic, chief among these is an over reliance on computer modeling that utilises out of date data - and/or otherwise questionable data - allegedly even some sourced from Wikipedia! This is then used by SAGE to make absurd predictions such as the now infamous 4,000 daily deaths by early next month. Four thousand deaths a day would be three times higher than the peak death rate in Brazil, which has a population three times greater than the UK. The Prime Minister often claims that he’s following the science; shame that no one has pointed out to him that it’s junk science.

The other major mistake made by the government is the shift towards mass testing using the PCR kit. This policy is disastrous, cataclysmic, primarily because the PCR test is not designed to be used in this way. It is highly susceptible to contamination when used on a large scale by people who - although well intentioned - are not qualified laboratory technicians. Additionally, and more importantly, it is known to have a significant false positive rate, one which the government either does not know or, if it does, is unwilling to disclose. Either way, given how much rides on it, this is totally unacceptable. Attached at the bottom of this e-mail is a PDF briefing paper written by eminent scientists that goes into the above in greater detail and provides all the evidence you need to conclude that the large scale use of PCR tests produces huge numbers of positive ‘cases’, of which as many as 83% are likely to be misdiagnoses. These grossly misleading numbers are then used as justification for ruinous lockdown and tiered restriction measures. The authors of the paper are four highly qualified and experienced professionals: Clare Craig BM BCh FRCPath, Jonathan Engler MBChB LLB, Mike Yeadon BSc Hons (Biochem-tox) PhD (Pharmacol) and Christian McNeill LL.B and Dip LP. Please read it attentively, likely as not it’ll be the most important document you’ll read all year.

Ongoing lockdowns and tiered restrictions are having devastating consequences on our health and economy. Evidence mounts daily that excess deaths at home are rising sharply due to cancer, heart disease, stroke and suicide etc. Last week the Chancellor laid bare the stark and painful economic reality for all to see. The economy has shrunk by 11.3%, the worst collapse in output in 300 years. Unemployment will reach 2.6 million and borrowing will reach an eye watering £394 billion. The impact of all this will be felt for many years to come. When the pandemic is over, the public inquiries concluded and their findings published, no government minister or MP will be able to say: “we were just following (junk) science”. There will be nowhere to hide: the attached PDF briefing paper alone provides the real science based on verifiable data that proves beyond all reasonable doubt that the government and their SAGE advisers have got it terribly wrong. They must be stopped and, as a Tory MP, you can help do that. In ten or twenty years plus when your children and grandchildren ask what part you played during the pandemic of 2020 - how will you respond? Will you hold your head high and tell them you did everything you could to put an end to this madness, or will you hang your head in shame and admit that you were complicit in it, knowing full well that it is both unnecessary and avoidable?

To conclude, please study the attached briefing paper very carefully, whereupon you will surely realise that the cure is far worse than the disease. Ministers must radically change course and lift all lockdown and tiered restriction measures immediately. Play your part Anthony, do the right thing, be on the right side of history and vote against the government’s proposals next week.

Kind regards,
Posted 3 hours ago
Thanks HAARPING_On, here is my MP's response and Steph, you're right he didn't address the issue with any substance, so I sent him my response:

Response from Peter Kyle MP:

Dear Mr R. Edwards,

Thank you for getting in touch and for sharing your concerns regarding the coronavirus vaccine becoming compulsory. This would be an unprecedented action and you have every right to ask questions about the safety of any vaccine which Public health experts must be able to answer. I am satisfied by what I have read so far about the Vaccine which is now being rolled out in our communities. I would recommend you read the full trial details for yourself here which goes further into questions of safety and efficacy:

More broadly I am absolutely celebrating the achievement these Coronavirus vaccines represent. This year has been challenging and the vaccine being rolled out successfully is the route back to allowing us to enjoy our lives, hug our friends and see our family without fearing giving them a potentially deadly virus.

There will be some people who medically cannot take this vaccine. It is important for them and the population at large that as many people take the vaccine who are able to. The job of the Government is to convince you that the vaccine is safe to take. As your elected representative, I also have a part to play in this. It should not be necessary to force people to take the vaccine mandatorily and would represent a failure in our public health messaging and ability to explain how the vaccines have been developed so fast.

My Labour colleague Alex Norris MP, who is Shadow Minister for Health and Social Care, spoke at the Covid-19: vaccination Westminster Hall debate last night and set out our party’s position:

“the sentiment of the petition slightly misses where we are at the moment. There is a pretty broad political consensus against compulsion, coercion or inconveniencing people into submission. I know what our position is as the Opposition, but no one studies what the Government say more closely than we do, and I have never detected a desire for mandatory vaccination in what they are saying. We all want to have confidence, and to know that the roll-out has been done through the proper process, rather than in any other way, and like other hon. Members who have spoken, I hope that business will take the same view. The Government might have a role in that, and I would be interested to know the Minister’s reflections on the contribution from the hon. Member for Wycombe. I would say gently to businesses that compulsory vaccination will almost certainly not do what they want it to do. It is therefore important to take some time and have a cool head on this issue.

People’s unwillingness to take the covid-19 vaccine has a knock-on effect on vaccine hesitancy more generally. In fact, this is probably the FA cup final of vaccine hesitancy. Last year, vaccine hesitancy was in the World Health Organisation’s top 10 threats to global health—it was up there with a future pandemic. It is something that we have to address, whether it is related to covid-19 or not. In Denmark in 2013, false claims in a documentary about the human papillomavirus vaccine led to a decline in uptake of around 90% among some cohorts. Similarly, between 2014 and 2017 in Ireland, vocal attacks on the HPV vaccine from the anti-vaccine lobby led to a drop in uptake from 70% to 50%. These things matter.

What we see through those developments, and through our experiences in this country, is that the best method of countering those views is through proactive, positive health-promoting campaigns. I know that is something the Government are doing, and it is very welcome—we will support them in that. It is almost certainly too early to have enough data to be able to talk about the efficiency of such things, but we want the Government to keep pushing hard on this issue. That is what our constituents want us to do—to explain and, as I say, make ourselves available to answer any questions that they have.

We have had an extraordinary year fighting the virus. There is now clearly a path for us to take—a light at the end of the tunnel, or however people want to characterise it. We need to pursue it with the same vigour with which we attacked the previous year. If we do, we might just get out of this thing.”

If you are interested, you can read the whole debate here:

If you have further questions, I would also direct you to contact the local Healthwatch team about how the vaccine will be rolled out in our area. You can find their dedicated vaccine page here

In the meantime, please do stay safe and well, if you need help with anything else please don’t hesitate to contact me again.

All the best,


Peter Kyle MP
Labour Member of Parliament for Hove and Portslade
Shadow Minister for Victims and Youth Justice

My Reply to Peter Kyle MP:

Dear Peter Kyle MP,

Further to your response to the alleged breaches of House of Commons Code of Conduct, I submit the following.

Firstly, I will begin by saying that I am extremely disappointed at your perfunctory approach to the absolutely critical scientific information that I provided you with, because it is of enormous value and importance to your constituents in making an informed decision on their health and the health of their children, especially considering the deliberate misinformation and suppression of safer and more effective Covid-19 treatments, such as Vitamin D and Ivermectin.

Your first sentence, “Thank you for getting in touch and for sharing your concerns regarding the coronavirus vaccine becoming compulsory.” has no relevance to the letter I wrote you, as I never mentioned any concerns over a mandatory or compulsory vaccine.

What I did voice concerns over is the use of the flawed PCR test, which has led to mass misdiagnosis through a diagnostic test with errors and inherent fallacies in the protocol that renders the PCR test useless. This has monumental and profound implications, in that it means that the Government, Public Health institutions and the Public have absolutely no idea what the infection rate of this virus is, nor how many deaths it has caused, or what level of threat it poses. What is known, is that the public is becoming increasingly aware of the real cost to life and livelihood from the lockdowns and restriction measures imposed by government, based entirely on the results produced by the scientifically flawed PCR test.
I also voiced disbelief that the government did not explore the use of the more accurate and scientifically validated Sanger sequencing testing method, which would have clearly identified the real benefits and risks of Covid-19 vs Lockdown. The public have suffered beyond comprehension and now we find out that it’s all been for nothing, because we actually know nothing about the impact of this virus on human health, or even if it is responsible for the symptoms people are experiencing. Yet you and the Government insist on continuing with the scientifically flawed PCR test, in support of the corporate Pharmaceutical narrative of vaccines for everyone at any cost, while providing said corporate cartels with exemption from any liability and/or responsibility for product harms, making your constituents and taxpayers responsible for this burden instead. This is compelling evidence to support a further alleged breach of the Code of Conduct, namely:

Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or other obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might influence them in the performance of their official duties.

In addition, I voiced concerns over the serious potential of harm from the previously untried and novel genetically engineered Covid-19 vaccines, which should not in any way be confused with and/or attached to the previous vaccines that have contributed to the rise in hesitancy and safety concerns, which are valid given that, alongside all the evidence of harms, they are now proven to be responsible for spreading viruses, even after the wild versions have died out:
“The World Health Organization says a new polio outbreak in Sudan is linked to an ongoing vaccine-sparked epidemic in Chad — a week after the U.N. health agency declared the African continent free of the wild polio virus.” LONDON (AP)”.

In light of your response, my question to you as my elected representative in government is, why am I and your other constituents not being properly informed by you and the government, that there are actually not one, but three viable treatments for Covid-19; Vaccines, Ivermectin and Vitamin-D?

By knowingly suppressing and/or withholding this information from your constituents and the wider public, you are depriving constituents of the right to informed consent. Your failure to address, or even acknowledge this medically and scientifically important element of my letter, in favour of telling me “The job of the Government is to convince you that the vaccine is safe to take. As your elected representative, I also have a part to play in this.” only serves to add to the credibility of the evidence in support of the alleged breaches to the House of Commons Code of Conduct.

I find your statement extremely disturbing for the following reasons: As I understand it, and I strongly believe that most of your constituents and the public would agree, the job of the Government is to protect the nation from harm in this unprecedented public health emergency. It is horrifying that, according to you, this job has now been redirected to focus on convincing the public about the safety of a vaccine, which amongst other safety concerns, contains an ingredient that has already proven to be harmful to human health. You have robust scientific evidence of this, I know because I presented it to you myself in my letter.

That said, if the job of the Government is to convince me that the vaccine is safe to take, then all the government has to do, is make the manufacturers liable for any harms caused by their product, and not make the taxpayer liable via the VDPS. If this novel genetically engineered vaccine is as safe as you and the Government are trying to convince us it is, then why would the government agree to indemnify the manufacturer from liability, at the manufacturer’s behest, without any public consultation and/or proper scientific debate, it simply doesn’t make any sense and is therefore non-sense.

Probably the more sinister aspect of your statement, is the fact that I have already provided legitimate and robust evidence that the vaccine is the least safe, least known and has the most potential for harm, of the three viable treatments for Covid-19, yet the thought of getting this experimental vaccine injected into your constituents, still has you excited enough to state “… I am absolutely celebrating the achievement these Coronavirus vaccines represent.”, which begs the obvious question from your constituents; Why, when we have two safe, effective and affordable treatments already available?

I believe you have spectacularly failed to comprehend the enormity of the information I have provided, and your refusal to address or even acknowledge the evidence, is deeply concerning and shocking beyond belief. By avoiding your responsibility to properly inform your constituents, while knowingly suppressing and/or withholding vital public health information in a public health emergency, you are once again violating the House of Commons Code of Conduct on Accountability, Integrity, Openness and Leadership. In fact, this situation has become so serious, that I would even venture to say that your actions and/or inactions in this public health emergency amount to Misconduct in Public Office.

Furthermore, as you have wilfully chosen to supress and/or withhold this vital information from your constituents and the wider public, in blatant favour of a novel vaccine at any cost, it is now my duty to share this information with the public and as many of my fellow constituents as I possibly can, because making people aware of the critically important scientific evidence it contains is undeniably acting in the best interests of public health, which you as my MP are failing to do.

You have publicly stated your position in favour of lockdowns and the novel and potentially harmful Covid-19 vaccines, and are actively participating in unchecked censorship and wilful suppression of open scientific debate at a time when it is needed the most … in a public health emergency. Considering that your position is diametrically opposed to the robust scientific evidence and information that I have presented to you showing how the government can prevent any further needless deaths and harms, you leave me no other option but to respectfully request that you, as my elected representative in government, refer these alleged breaches to the Committee on Standards and the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards and/or any other relevant government department for a full investigation, or inform me of the process available to me to achieve the same.

Again, I trust that the timeliness of your response will take into account the seriousness of the public health emergency to which it relates and your detailed response to the evidence and concerns presented herein is of paramount importance in this national and global health emergency.

Mr R. J. Edwards


It looks like someone is finally starting to pay attention to scientific evidence and constituent concerns!

“Mass testing of people without covid-19 symptoms is “not an accurate way of screening the general population,” a senior figure at the Department of Health and Social Care has said in a letter seen by The BMJ.

The comments were made by James Bethell, one of England’s health ministers, in response to a letter from an MP raising concerns about blanket polymerase chain reaction (PCR) testing on behalf of a constituent.
In his letter Bethell stated that “swab testing people with no symptoms is not an accurate way of screening the general population, as there is a real risk of giving false reassurance.” He added, “Widespread asymptomatic testing could undermine the value of testing, as there is a risk of giving misleading results. Rather, only people with covid-19 symptoms should get tested.”
British Medical Journal – 18 December 2020
You might want to think twice before subjecting yourself to this so called vaccine.

Yup, well I’m still here. I also understand from internet sources that my vaccine jab also contained a “government chip” so they would know where I was all the time. I did stray over the Tier 4 boundary the other day without police cars roaring up, so I guess the chip must be duff. Mind you it doesn’t matter if the vaccine doesn’t work since I also understand from the same sources that COVID doesn’t exist anyway and is just a prank played by a couple of Chinese comedians.

Wow, my eyes have really been opened since trawling the internet. Quite clearly those sources must be impeccable - they are there on the internet, after all - and must trump (oh, yeah, the same sources had a lot to say about him and how he actually won the election) anything official (spit, spit). Oh dear, that vaccine must have side effects after all - I’m going insane.
...... a “government chip” so they would know where I was all the time. .....
Don't be so silly, lol.
Are we even living on the same planet here?
'They' don't need a bloody chip to track you, as you probably almost certainly voluntarily track yourself.
Unless you never take your mobile phone with you out of the house, don't drive anywhere and always pay with cash, oh, and rigorously avoid any and every CCTV camera on your travels, then the Government knows or can find out about pretty much everything you do and everywhere you go, whenever it likes.
Anyone would have to be extremely naive to think they had any privacy from the State.

That the vast majority can quietly stray over lockdown boundaries without consequences is merely a reflection of their piddling insignificance to the Government, nothing more.

Suggest you spend less time trawling the internet for crazy conspiracy theories and more time noticing your surroundings when you go out and about.

Yup, well I’m still here. . .
Hi Jon,
Glad you're still with us!
On a serious note - have you had any kind of reaction to the vaccine - either at the time or since? Before administering it, were you advised of any possible side effects and were you asked any questions that might preclude you from having it? (E.g. are you pregnant. It's gotta be asked; gone are the days when folk can make such judgements for themselves!) And have you been given a date for the follow up jab?
Hi Jon,
Glad you're still with us!
On a serious note - have you had any kind of reaction to the vaccine - either at the time or since? Before administering it, were you advised of any possible side effects and were you asked any questions that might preclude you from having it? (E.g. are you pregnant. It's gotta be asked; gone are the days when folk can make such judgements for themselves!) And have you been given a date for the follow up jab?

Nope, bar a very slightly sore arm for an hour or two. Yup, got a leaflet that detailed possible side effects. Yup, they went through a sheet of questions - since I can’t hear very well now I caught the gist and decided the right answer must be “no“ so that’s what I kept answering. And yup, 13 January.
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If that’s the case, MoC, you’d have thought they could have sent my pension statement to the right address. It’s going up by 12p a week, by the way.
If that’s the case, MoC, you’d have thought they could have sent my pension statement to the right address. It’s going up by 12p a week, by the way.
Never underestimate the power of cock-ups and incompetence, they are far more powerful than any conspiracies.

And don't spend your 12p all at once 😵

In other news:

Hundreds of British skiers have fled a Swiss Verbier quarantine.​

A spokesman in Valais canton said 420 British guests had booked into Verbier accommodation before Christmas and now only about a dozen were left.

Wonder how far they can spread it around?

Another Great British Export to Europe, deadly Corona Virus.

A final word: I learned yesterday that the young son of some friends has tested positive and is coughin' like a goodun. The family have now been in isolation for a few days but so far neither Mum nor dad are showing any symptoms despite being tested positive as well.
I'll let you know who dies🙂
On December 11th I reported the above and was seriously concerned but dramaphiles will be disappointed to learn that the whole family are now welsh....sorry, that should be "wellish".

Nobody died after all. The little rat recovered after less than a week whilst Mum started with the symptoms later and was still feeling under the weather on Christmas Day. Himself, having told everyone that he was obviously not ill and had been misdiagnosed, then had a few bad days, so much so that the paramedics attended but he was assessed as being already past the worst when they arrived. There was a period of a day or so when his wife seriously thought about taking him to A&E and resolved to do this the morning after but he then woke up feeling much better and was back to being a pain in the arse in what seemed to be about a day or so ....meanwhile, Mrs carried on feeling grim for longer.

So everybody is pretty much as they were at the beginning of December. Frankly, I don't believe that Barjon had the vaccine and that he too is part of the conspiracy to lure in the unwary - I'm still taking sensible precautions myself and am pretty much self-insulating until they call me in to be put down with the rest of the credulous.