In my book it's a fraud. And I'm now joined by 1000's of medical experts in saying that.
Just to be clear - your understanding is that there is:-
a) No virus and that that the whole thing is a hoax?
b) A small number of real cases with the rest of the reported ones being hoax?
Answers on the back of a postage stamp please.
Not being a fan of either MS or Social media, I do my own research and tend to be sceptical of most things, including sceptics. This makes me mostly an empiricist and I therefore tend to rely on sources that I know to be reliable which tends to filter the numbers of real people down to friends and family who have real experience and expertise in any given subject.
Depending on how you look at it, I'm either fortunate or unfortunate in having "sources"** dotted about all over the place (France,Germany,Sweden,Australia,India,USA) some of whom are variously doctors, researchers or involved in government in some capacity. A couple of others (actually just one now) actually had the virus - whether real or unreal. Lastly, there's my own personal experience - I've had really bad pneumonia and I know exactly what that feels and looks like and how that is handled in ICU with all the attendant protocols. I also had a friend succumb to pneumonia some ten years ago so I'm able to say both how it looks when you're dying and how it feels when you nearly do.....and then there's this pesky hoaxy coviddy nonsense - I didn't see my brother-in-law dying or breathe his last as everybody was kept well away from him once he was hospitalised; however, my sister who did survive, saw him fall ill and was with him when he went into hospital shortly before she herself became seriously ill. Everything that I have seen myself and heard from my sister et al makes me think that this is virus is real and also very widespread.
As I have said before: it isn't flu nor is it the plague to end all plagues but in my book it makes just as much sense to call Corona virus a hoax as it does Mers, Sars, Swineflu or Ebola or any of the historic bubonic/pneumonic plagues. Again, as I have said in the past, like most people who
care to examine what they really feel, I do not really
care very much whether anybody I don't know lives or dies. People die every day and as the saying goes "It's what we do" being part and parcel of the human condition. What I do care about is watching people who believe that there is no virus and are statistically probably immune or asymptomatic ignore precautions (masks, distancing) when in public and then get in the faces of people I do care about.... and in case I've left any doubt I place myself fairly near the top of that fairly short list.
So, believe what you want. Take your risks whether real or imagined. . Put the lives of your friends and family at stake. Die if you want. As I am to you, you're just a name on a forum. I do not care whether you live or die and I'm sure that you wouldn't shed a tear if you heard that I'd fallen off my perch for whatever reason.
All that said, I wish you no ill and would even go as far as to say in parting:
Be Well
**Some of those sources tested positive despite zero symptoms and some had what they thought was a cough/cold of varying severity.