April '04 Forex

Great trading FC !!

How much have you made today ?

BTW I'm starting to get into Forex and always enjoy your posts.


Nothing wrong with a pint in the sun. However, you can improve the situation by searing some steaks on a charcoal fire. No burgers or pork sausages, mind you! That's sacrilegious! :cheesy:
i know, why do people always insist on bringing sausages to BBQs. total waste of time if u ask me.

though on a flairer note, i have got into the habit of taking sweetcorn and potatoes to barbies. wrapped in foil and then drizzled with butter and you are onto a winner.

a good barbie tip is a big phat tuna steak. loads of herbs and a bit of teriaki sauce (or balsamic vinegar if you're feeling crazy). spanking gorgeous.. may have to try to find a flat with a garden i think

Ivorm, so far ive got £1300 locked in, and im letting the Euro and Cable trades run to expiry at 9pm tonight.

they are currently £500 to the good between them.

i wish days like this were the norm lol

havig said that, looks like £/$ is having another poke downwards :)

good luck to the rest of you, im gonna try to find a decent ice lolly now....

RSI divergence on Cable and €/$ confirms short term long.

Yup, spuds on a fire are great, and so are bananas wrapped in bacon. You see, during my misbent youth in South Africa, I learnt the dark art of BBQ-ing (or "braai-ing" in the vernacular English).
hmm, not sure if it a signal to go long, rather than just starting to unwind positions. i would be wary of going long until the price breakouts out of the up channel, AND the RSI (14) breaks the overhead resistance.

i know a lot of people riducule trading off patterns in indicators, but i find that they are the only time they are useful, and that is in confirming the price.

good luck with your long though, im still short (havent put my heels on)

on another note. Bloody Saino's has sold out of Magnums, so i had to go to the newsagents, and they only half-decent thing they had was a boring old Feast.

almost as bad as a Calippo..


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I think you misinterpreted my previous post. Like I said, I'm out of the market for the rest of the day. My observation was related to the unwinding of positions, which will obviously push the market up a tad; although I would be reluctant to trade against the daily trend, which is all downhill.

That's it for now - I'm logging off.

Enjoy the weekend.
you too buddy..

im thinking about a wee long now at the moment, RSI on the rise, and downward movement stalling....

think i'll stay short in the meantime

have a good one!

off to see the wizard

morning chaps, a new week.

had a peek at the hourly chart to check on the bigger picture. seems to be a bit of a channel developing.

looks as though we are at a bit of overhead resitance, so i've gone tenetatively short on cable at 1.7770

possible exit 1.7700

see how this one pans out.

FC :)


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Morning FC, trust you had a good weekend thinking about the great trading on Friday.

Euro looks primed to long in the short-term to me, but it's tricky to call. Would probably look for around 1840 to be taken out decisively before thinking about going long.

Morning all.

Have to agree with Redben - I went long this a.m. as follows:

€/$ L 1.1821; Cable L 1.7982.

I'm not comfortable being long so monitoring the market closely.
well mate, i did have a good weekend, but not thinking ablut trading :) had a curry/darts sesh on friday, footie on saturday and cricket on sunday. i am so sunburnt its ridiculous..

not sure about the long yet. we shall see...
am still selling into this rally, expecting a failure rather like the one on friday. current average price is now 1.7789. revised target price upwards though. will be happy with 20-30 points now!

large RSI divergance on the 5-min chart. ties in with the bigger picture i posted earlier. i THINK we are going down from here.

;) looks like it FC....short this thing again at 790!

stop above near term resist, check the upside strength!
Took profits as follows:

€/$ L 1.1821 S 1.1831 +10 pips
Cable L 1.7782 S 1.7798 + 16 pips

RSI divergence indicates reversal - looking to short Cable and €/$.
Nice work Goober, good start to the week :)

Long side still might have some to go, but really not sure. RSI seems to go against what I think, so will let it play out.

i hate trades like this, with it darting all over the place. increased volatility usually indicates a reversal imminent. well it does in stock indices anyway.

am still short. average price now 1.7792..

i just wish it would make a lower high and lower low now to get everyone shorting now!!!

grrrr :(
Thanks Redben

A winner to start the week, no matter how small, is always welcome.

Yeah ... I think I may have baled too early. But, there are conflicting signals, so I think "I'll take the money, Chris".

Overall, I'm bearish - let's wait and see.
getting closer???

if we get below 1.7780 i think we are going down big style.



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