Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

caught the bounce off of yesterday's high, going home!

Not sure anyone here is scalping like me? Sold 57515 out at 48s.
Both 8:30 and 9:00 passed with feeble attempts for south and I thought we might be in for a strong day if 10:00 am did likewise. FTSE has gone weak vs DOW and 10:00am may see a stop to the decline or an acceleration. I'll try for a bounce.
I used to trade like you guys using the 5min chart, i.e. 20+ points but intraday this suits me much better I find. I hate sitting through retracements so combining my levels from higher timeframes with entries on lower means I can get a quick profit with no pain (assuming it's a profit at all =))

I also use the order flow to trade, and I find it more accurate over a shorter time frame, again accounting for the fact that I don't want to sit through a retracement. If I was spreadbetting I'd do bigger intraday swings I guess, don't have the patience for it tho.

I've only come back to daytrading in the last 2 months, my long term stuff is exactly the opposite...I'll happily sit on something for weeks.
what's the longer term stuff, rawrschach, Still futures or equities or whatever.
when long ftse, using a short dax order as a stop is a neat idea, it can sometimes recover any losses from a stopped out long
when long ftse, using a short dax order as a stop is a neat idea, it can sometimes recover any losses from a stopped out long

Simply and effective SD........

You only learn/introduce this style of Trading from experience "on the job" with Real Money and in Real Time......

You can read it from a Book or Website but never the same as putting into Practice.