Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Lord McAlpine to pursue 10,000 Twitter users for linking him to care home child abuse scandal

- Lord McAlpine's lawyers have found 1,000 original tweets and 9,000 retweets
- Thousands could be sued in what is thought to involve the largest number of defendants in British legal history

They have to find them first..........!!

Anyone with limited technical Internet knowledge can contruct fake email addresses and using VPN's from remote locations never be tracked in a Million years.......

I switch my VPN on from home here in the UK and immediately that puts me in Santa Barbara and that's before any number of other measures you can add..........

If I as a non technically minded internet individual can easily do it, than 95% of others certainly can.......
well how is macalpine getting 1000 names? where did he get them from? is that not suppose to be confidential ? what about this data protection thingy?

they are not all confidential, but McCalpine is a brilliant media operative. I think he even wrote a book about Machiavelli in business and media.
DL....if you think you are anonymous and cannot be traced if the authorities really wanted to then you are under wrong impression....

forget authorities a techie can reach you with fair ease...anyone thinks not frankly needs to learn a lot more about technology, internet, privacy and vulnerability

nothing to do specifically with twitter...once you are on net you are out and open ..period

yes that is correct and so what i have already said about twitter in a previous post is has security issues:)
hiding behind a VPN may hide you from barjon and his colleagues but that's the most you can get for your effort....

VPN has no effect in accessing t2w. Also VPN doesn't hide your IP. VPN merely scrambles data transmitted from your IP to another IP. So barjon can tell you are up to no good on t2w if he wanted to. To hide from barjon, you need to use a proxy server.
you are correct...I meant proxy server and even that can be traced..are you also one of the lurkers here?...please start contributing regularly

Barjon is all knowing and all seeing you can not hide from him or run from him.
you are correct...I meant proxy server and even that can be traced..are you also one of the lurkers here?...please start contributing regularly

No, not lurking. Being a slow market today I was thrashing around hoping someone would provide some insight of what's happening.

I think tracing through proxies is beyond barjon. But the regular joe police tech can do it with his eyes closed.
agreed again...that's what I was trying to say but wrongly typed VPN instead of proxy

thanks for spotting the error....

so in summary those who are trying to be clever using VPN, proxy etc are wasting their effort in the is to control quality of own posts then no need to hide any way

i don't want to hide but i do want my privacy respected. i would not be surprised if this is a big herring and we are all being duped yet again.