Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

That dip a few seconds ago was the Israeli Commander saying all options were on the table.....

Dax dropped 16 Points....

I am watching bloom they are keeping it quiet.

these are random factors that can destroy a well timed trade

i am long GBPUSD at 1.5845. and i cannot remember why i put that order on, must be to remind me of something, but what exactly i do not know, sorry i am not long I am short. this FX is confusing
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All you need now is for Iran (who this morning said they would defend their Borders to the end) join in the frolics............
I am watching bloom they are keeping it quiet.

these are random factors that can destroy a well timed trade

I had just literally entered a Long on the Dax no more than 15 seconds previous. The Stop was well away but would have took out most...............
u must have some good news source, bloom just talking about waffle

The instant information SD is only coming off the Capital Spreads/Tradefair Squawk Box, free to all that have an active account...........

I think ETX carry the same feed as well.....

Think its
.... contrary to the DOW that has gone down the drain on the daily.

All European indices have shown very good resiliency till now
Got stopped on my DOW trade.. but my ES short helped.... on the DOW 12647 may provide good support if we fall a bit further
Got stopped on my DOW trade.. but my ES short helped.... on the DOW 12647 may provide good support if we fall a bit further

I think the recent entry Short of the Dax to 6500 from Lee Shepard is the best potential trade I've seen here lately...........

I'm not too sure 12647 will hold any ice if Tensions rise in the Middle East......

All 3 of my Twitter feeds are shouting Doom and Gloom......

Edited. With Gold being touted across the Board.
By looking at the chart I think that DOW has bottomed for today and we may see a leg up from here.
I may be wrong though.