Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Is everyone sleeping today? The market isn't moving at all.

Hi begeegs

All the moves happened in Asia.
Seems to be the norm in last couple of weeks.
Sure it will change at some stage.

Tech question.
Which internet browser do you use or recommended.
Hi begeegs

All the moves happened in Asia.
Seems to be the norm in last couple of weeks.
Sure it will change at some stage.

Tech question.
Which internet browser do you use or recommended.

I use Firefox, but others would swear by Chrome.
market very quiet

the dog days of summer.

even using this awesome chrome browser...... things are dull
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I use Firefox, but others would swear by Chrome.

I used Chrome for an age until one day the browser quite simply wouldn't open on the laptop I'm using to type this from now.............
Its a Toshiba C660-217........
Have posted on numerous forums for suggestions and have tried them all over time with no success. Both other laptops of mine are fine...........
IE and FF work fine and am using FF now......
Obviously have done all the reinstalls and registry Cleaners but to no avail......
One other thing perhaps unrelated perhaps not. If I'm on Youtube or watching TV online, I cannot extend the pictures to full screen. Have to watch in the limited default screen......
Happened at same time as Chrome issue......

Any Suggestions....?? Thanks....
I used Chrome for an age until one day the browser quite simply wouldn't open on the laptop I'm using to type this from now.............
Its a Toshiba C660-217........
Have posted on numerous forums for suggestions and have tried them all over time with no success. Both other laptops of mine are fine...........
IE and FF work fine and am using FF now......
Obviously have done all the reinstalls and registry Cleaners but to no avail......
One other thing perhaps unrelated perhaps not. If I'm on Youtube or watching TV online, I cannot extend the pictures to full screen. Have to watch in the limited default screen......
Happened at same time as Chrome issue......

Any Suggestions....?? Thanks....

Launch Chrome and when it fails, I would look in your Event Viewer under Applications. It should give you an indication on why it isn't starting up. That being said, there also should be some logs for Chrome in their Program Directory which could give some clues.

For YouTube, are you browsing directly to YouTube, or are you viewing from the video being embedded on another site?
Begeegs am no techie so bear with me........

I cant launch Chrome whatsoever, meaning the Icons do nothing ?? Will that show in Event Viewer ??
Begeegs am no techie so bear with me........

I cant launch Chrome whatsoever, meaning the Icons do nothing ?? Will that show in Event Viewer ??

No worries.

If you right click on your shortcut - and goto Properties - check the path and make certain that it is valid. If it is, then check the Event Viewer. If it isn't launching at all and the path to the application is valid, then it should be displayed in the Event Viewer.
I used Chrome for an age until one day the browser quite simply wouldn't open on the laptop I'm using to type this from now.............
Its a Toshiba C660-217........
Have posted on numerous forums for suggestions and have tried them all over time with no success. Both other laptops of mine are fine...........
IE and FF work fine and am using FF now......
Obviously have done all the reinstalls and registry Cleaners but to no avail......
One other thing perhaps unrelated perhaps not. If I'm on Youtube or watching TV online, I cannot extend the pictures to full screen. Have to watch in the limited default screen......
Happened at same time as Chrome issue......

Any Suggestions....?? Thanks....
sounds like a hijack trojan, on system.ini /startup check the box to do custom startup, and work through the list and uncheck ones which are not clearly windows operating system or your broadband or your security software. also ther eis a program called hijackthis. it does a 5 second scan and produces a log which can be pasted into many log analyzers on the web.

just seen begeegs post ignore everything above
5 min chart and below looks like a flag. Possibly symmetrical, contracting one.

According to Elliot wave theory, it's ABCDE and trend, with E sometimes going short. I've not yet worked out where you are supposed to start the count though. If you include the first reverse move we could be in E going down, or if you start from the the reverse high, we're in D, eventually going up.
Looks like some sort of a downward triangle...


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China PMI :) and NZ GDP :sleep: on Thurdsay.
All the moves again in Asia.:cheesy:
See ya thurs.
Thanks guys:).
PS, lot of Euro data on thurs.
Looks like some sort of a downward triangle...

Rounding bottoms though? 1 min level.

I don't know where it's going. If it goes up I have a resistance level at 5918. If it goes down, I'd expect support at 5856 and were it to continue 5846.
Looks like some sort of a downward triangle...

We have gone down after E on the bearish interpretation of ABCDE. This support at the triangle edge could be the end of E going up on the bullish interpretation.

This is why I avoid EW other than 12345.

And this is all Chinese to SD. :cheesy: ;)
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