Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

after the big move in Dow yesterday, the dow will consolidate/digest those gains so probably a flat/down close today for dow.

7.36am 14 sept
how do we distract the stupid cattle from our own criminality and cover up in the deaths of 96 people, oh yes a story about nude images of the duchess.
Morning all,
It will be interesting to see how markets evolve today.

Does anybody know if the new posts on the thread can be pushed somehow in a window ? Currently I have to reload manually the page. Thanks
I read many articles about China being the biggest economy , by 2020 or so, not about India though.
Morning all,
It will be interesting to see how markets evolve today.

Does anybody know if the new posts on the thread can be pushed somehow in a window ? Currently I have to reload manually the page. Thanks

reload manually ?
how do we distract the stupid cattle from our own criminality and cover up in the deaths of 96 people, oh yes a story about nude images of the duchess.

Playing Devils Advocate here but 2 Points SD........
Ignoring the Privacy issue it defies belief that she would I assume sunbathe topless in the first place. Surely lessons had been learnt.........?? Tin hat in place........

Secondly I of all people are well aware of Police Procedures and what they will do to survive however older members here of my age 50+ will remember vividly how loutish footie hooligans were in the 80's and early 90's..........
I am disgusted with the Police make no mistake however when the Chief who's now being urged to resign over comments overnight makes the point that Police had no control over "these" people, than I for one knows exactly what he really means.........

Have now retired to lead bunker...........:innocent:
Morning all.

5914 reached, 19 points from the 5933 I predicted yesterday before the breakout. I think another attempt to reach another high, then I would be happy with c5920s as a top before a more concerted pullback.

If the week ends above 5800 I'm bullish after that. Over 6100. I have a line at 6097 for some resistance. I can't put a figure on it easily on my current method because my charts only go to 1 month.

I need 4 monthly or higher. It would be great if someone could post a screenshot of one.

On the 1 month chart this move is a breakout attempt of the symmetrical triangle.
Still Short on CAC from 3548 but big stop in place. Not concerned.......

Looking to enter Short on FTSE and looking being the Operative word. Looks good as of now at 5890...??