Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Keep eye on HSBA, 100ma cross and quad tap on resistance


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The number of Britons claiming unemployment benefit unexpectedly fell in August by the largest amount since June 2010, data showed on Wednesday, raising hopes that Britain's labour market is improving.

Employment hit the highest level in more than four years.

Britain's economy has been mired in recession since late 2011 according to official figures, but looks set to post some growth in the third quarter.

from reuters
Hi, first post.

Does anyone feel that the court ruling doesn't give enough clarity for the markets to be happy when the details are digested?

We all know markets don't like uncertainty.
SD, does this mean it goes to the stock market ? So more highs expected ?

yes exactly, get a chart to us 10yr and DOW or SP500

the US 10yr went bullish 5th sept.

I work day by day, each day the market is different,
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Hi, first post.

Does anyone feel that the court ruling doesn't give enough clarity for the markets to be happy when the details are digested?

We all know markets don't like uncertainty.

Welcome RickBFA, thanks for posting hope its the first of many.

"Does anyone feel that the court ruling doesn't give enough clarity for the markets to be happy when the details are digested?"

Market above buy pivot = bullish below = bearish. try not to look too deep into things, I think there are market interactions that can tell you the possibility of "X" occurring or not occurring.

Look at the shareprices of RBS, BARC, (anyone with sov euro sovereign exposure) u get your answer

check post

I have a chart of RBS posted
Missed the Spike up on Dax but copped it right at the top with a lucky entry...(y)

Hi, there. Are you, still, chartless? I shorted the top of Footsie but I needed a 3 minute chart to do it. If you were watching an Ft chart you would see support around 5805. I am holding for a break below. What is your reasoning on this?
