Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


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having mega probs with finspreads charts lately ...the flash player crashes 3/4 time a day and wipes my charts i have tried in ie and firefox but both same....anyone any ideas?..have also re-installed flash
having mega probs with finspreads charts lately ...the flash player crashes 3/4 time a day and wipes my charts i have tried in ie and firefox but both same....anyone any ideas?..have also re-installed flash

go to flash website for solutions. also contact fins tech help. tell them u will have to find another bet company unless this is resolved.

which operating sys u using, is it compatible with the flash ?
go to flash website for solutions. also contact fins tech help. tell them u will have to find another bet company unless this is resolved.

which operating sys u using, is it compatible with the flash ?

Same Flash problems I experience daily although am not on Finspreads. If one Platform does go than all 3 do same time......
As I'm none techie maybe thats obvious !!
Same Flash problems I experience daily although am not on Finspreads. If one Platform does go than all 3 do same time......
As I'm none techie maybe thats obvious !!

the business finspreads relies on flash to earn profit, they will be very interested in ensuring it works.
Sorry Splintlink I shot off shortly after last post....
It was the Dax I shorted right from the top which I accept was somewhat fortunate or perhaps not, but my price entry was on the price action in front of me......

When I say I'm chartless I'm not totally ignoring the "timetotrade" charts that come with SB Platforms but it is only a glance from time to time.......

The Dax looked to have topped to me so I entered. At time of this post am around 52 points to the good with a stop brought forward to 20 behind.......

I could and should have entered shorts on Cac and Ftse as would have nicked a few points there, but I was playing around with this ETX Platform which is half decent in my opinion, so have funded it.

Anyone else using it apart from et who I think was on a demo....??

Edited in........anyone using Prospreads here ?? Whats your thoughts on them ??

Ok. I was trading FT but they both seemed to top out about then. So you do sneak a look at the odd chart, then, you devil, you! :)

Good on you for the 52 points. I did not make that much but it was a good bored with the lack of movement and the Great Weariness came over me so I went to the armchair for 30 mins and, as always happens, the price fell further. You can't win them all.
Ok. I was trading FT but they both seemed to top out about then. So you do sneak a look at the odd chart, then, you devil, you! :)

Good on you for the 52 points. I did not make that much but it was a good bored with the lack of movement and the Great Weariness came over me so I went to the armchair for 30 mins and, as always happens, the price fell further. You can't win them all.

Oh no I do view the Charts now and again and always know highs and lows of current day and last two but I haven't got split screens or other monitors on the case.......
That Dax trade was strictly entered only when it stalled. I dont need to say that no one can pick tops or bottoms just like that or we'd all be Millionaires but I do seem to differ in my stance, in that if I had got that top wrong I would happily have let it drift away, without panicking about closing it......

Right am off to be a right sad case and watch Emmerdale and Corrie.....!!

See ya tomo........