Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

gotta go out stuck a stop in at 36 and leave to ride or crash

Another bull!

Okay... I'm 'in' at 5743.

Edit: normally I'd get 'out' within +1 if it has gone say +3. Didn't this time because of the gap in the bull trend. The price blasted through the 0.5 point gap. I let it have another go at 100% because I thought it was weird it didn't respond to the gap line. I'm now out at 5743.
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Another bull!

Okay... I'm 'in' at 5743.

Edit: normally I'd get 'out' within +1 if it has gone say +3. Didn't this time because of the gap in the bull trend. The price blasted through the 0.5 point gap. I let it have another go at 100% because I thought it was weird it didn't respond to the gap line. I'm now out at 5743.

Looks like trading range until the US comes on. The 15 mins chart had a micro-trendline going bear-like, but now seems to be evening flat.
Looks like trading range until the US comes on. The 15 mins chart had a micro-trendline going bear-like, but now seems to be evening flat.

I've got contradictory signals at different timeframes. Sometimes that is really cool because yesterday it enabled me to pick the high then the low at the same time, before either happened. Right now I've got contradictions at about 4 different levels. I think it's up because that's the highest... I think.

Still looking to get 'in' again. Looks like a highly volatile contracting flag - falling highs and rising lows.
It's all my fault. I got fed up with yesterday and decided that I did not want to spend the rest of my formative years doing that. So I have changed to another system involving 2 hour TF.

Sorry, fellers, you'll just have to put up with this until I get it straight. :D

It's very peaceful. I haven't done a thing since I entered a long at 0930.
It's all my fault. I got fed up with yesterday and decided that I did not want to spend the rest of my formative years doing that. So I have changed to another system involving 2 hour TF.

Sorry, fellers, you'll just have to put up with this until I get it straight. :D

Good luck!

Edit: 'In' again at 5744. Sorry, that's not a tip BTW I needed to put this prediction somewhere. I think this is a risky trade. If it goes wrong it will go a long way wrong.

Plunged scarily. Giving it a chance to reject at the gap at 5741. YES! Breakout. HOWEVER - is it going to get above 5747 - gap there? If not may have to pull this one at +1.

Actually, I'm sticking with it. Gap in bull trend could work. Someone get a hammer. You could play whack-a-mole with me right now. 'Out' again at 5744.
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Do any of you know how closely linked that the FTSE is the SP E minis (ES)? Seem to be quite linked from what I can see right now
I've got contradictory signals at different timeframes. Sometimes that is really cool because yesterday it enabled me to pick the high then the low at the same time, before either happened. Right now I've got contradictions at about 4 different levels. I think it's up because that's the highest... I think.

Still looking to get 'in' again. Looks like a highly volatile contracting flag - falling highs and rising lows.

Can't help feeling that some of you guys dont half make things complicated in the way you trade.......

Use the KISS principle and ignore the Charts you're looking at other than to be aware of highs and lows of current day and previous......

I'm happy to put up the seven instruments that I use to decide Indices movement over the course of the day if anyones interested. Other than highs or lows mentioned I never open a chart.....

Edited in-In no way am I suggesting I've cracked the Holy Grail or we'll have Boyles on the trumpet claiming I'm selling something.......
Can't help feeling that some of you guys dont half make things complicated in the way you trade.......

Use the KISS principle and ignore the Charts you're looking at other than to be aware of highs and lows of current day and previous......

I'm happy to put up the seven instruments that I use to decide Indices movement over the course of the day if anyones interested. Other than highs or lows mentioned I never open a chart.....

Edited in-In no way am I suggesting I've cracked the Holy Grail or we'll have Boyles on the trumpet claiming I'm selling something.......

Yesterday was pretty good. It may sound complicated but I only use the price and Fib tool to make my trading decisions. I do currently have MACD but only for entertainment purposes and the divergence.

Trying again at 5744!
Okay, 'out' at 5750 for a quick +6.

Today: +3, +6, -1, -1, +6.

Edit: Sometime earlier I mentioned a first get out target of 5763 possibly on the way to 5789, to be decided when it gets to 5763.
what's the latest on QE anyone?

this market seems to be waiting on something

There is an article on marketwatch with title "To QE or not ? Fed lacks consensus to act" due possibly to Romnei.
On the other hand QE3 would give a boost to Obama.
One thing is sure, that hype will drive the market (in my opinion higher) till Friday.