Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


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I was reading a very good article in the Investors Chronicle yesterday about 87 day cycles in the Dow which chime well with the ft100.

"The main time cycle in the Dow also leaves room for more upside. The 87-day cycle is due to turn around 30 August. This cycle has proved very helpful to me over the past couple of years, or at least on those occasions when I have heeded its messages. It clearly caught the highs to date back in May"

That number is consistent with one my cycles.. Thanks for this...though I am only expecting a minor pullback end of August..
That number is consistent with one my cycles.. Thanks for this...though I am only expecting a minor pullback end of August..

I have also had a look at the work of Gann in particular his take on number of days from high/ lows

"Important count of days: Significant changes in trend may take place on the following days from the significant highs/ lows - 30, 45, 60, 90, 135, 150, 180, 210, 225, 315, 330 and 360."

The chart shows 30/45/ and 60 day pivots ... very interesting

The 14/3 date does hit the 5990 line it is just obscured by the vertical line.


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