Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

u want 850 as a shorting area?

850 is the gateway to more upside imo...still is at the mo but could change anytime...if we get a drop and some fresh buyers then we go up but we won't know til we get might drop and sell...just my opinion🙂

it wouldbe nice if someone else would give their opinion 🙂
I'm selling from 5825.5 (was a bit late, wanted to enter at 5827) with tight stop. Target 5809.
5820 hit tells me to open parachute and prepare for a drop, but what do I know...
850 is the gateway to more upside imo...still is at the mo but could change anytime...if we get a drop and some fresh buyers then we go up but we won't know til we get might drop and sell...just my opinion🙂

it wouldbe nice if someone else would give their opinion 🙂

I will short from 5809 and go long over 5850