Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


I think reksa pointed out the ig things way back in the thread - I think when I looked it I was more happy with numbers. Be interested to know what you think.

The sort of thing I had in mind for what I want is about how I knocked up a small excel thing (thumbnail). FTSE is blue line and pink line is FTSE as calculated by reference to DOW.

The common starting point is last Thursdays close - so real FTSE = 5573 and calculated FTSE = 5573 at that point. From there it runs through to Friday's FTSE close and you see the "extreme" gap reached at A after which the gap was gradually closed, but not completely.

If we can get something like that which shows it in continuous real time (the thumbnail is based on hourly closes) we'd be quids in 🙂 - but getting the common starting point is crucial. There are some combo charts that always start from a common point wherever the left hand edge of the chart is - that would be ideal.

Okay I see what you're saying Barjon, as opposed to having the dow and ftse on the one chart you have the ftse 'real' and ftse 'dow calculated'.

I don't know much about coding but I do know a guy who is pretty damn good with MQL4. I'll see if I can get hold of him tonight.
Oh also Barjon I'm the opposite in the respect of numbers and charts:

"Picture thinking, visual thinking, visual/spatial learning or right brained learning is the common phenomenon of thinking through visual processing using the part of the brain that is emotional and creative to organize information in an intuitive and simultaneous way.... Acute spatial ability is also a trait of kinesthetic learners (those who learn through movement, physical patterning and doing) and logical thinkers (mathematical thinkers who think in patterns and systems) who may not be strong visual thinkers at all"

I'm certainly a visual person, I need pictures, charts, things that I can envisage. Purely just looking at numbers doesn't create that sense of 'extreme' price movement. I find it hard to visualise price action through numbers but can SEE price action very quickly on a chart.

Perhaps you are a logical thinker who thinks in patterns and systems which I think may have a slight edge in the world of trading 👍
no offense SD

but this is another thing I really dislike about the twitter experts

what value does this add to anyone's trading...except it makes newbies think this guy must be on to something

keep it simple that's the main thing

one thing that I learnt on this forum is from barjon .....focus on trade management and exit than entry

you could make a great entry and then screw up by letting profits turn to losses, closing profit too early etc.

but you can salvage a bad entry by being disciplined and limiting losses

rest is just time pass

its cool, Samirs, i was not aware of his bad calls, i only remembered the good calls.

I will immediately unfollow him,
many many times....

look at his tweet on 2nd May

he was highest net long on the very day when market topped out for a spectacular decline of 1000 points in to june lows

he has been wrong on bonds, stock consistently....and by his own admittance...he says he just manages his risk very well

in fact coin flipping has been better than him...

which is ok but then why go on making bold statements not thinking twice what might the impact on people following him blindly (and there are 1000s) and quoting him based on his name and brand value

documented record of kass, thanks samirs for unmasking this fool.
i agree SD

you, bustech, solo, barjon, DL are doing a great job here

problem with most of those on the twitter is that they are there only to sell their services....

and the fundamental rule for me is if you are a good trader anywhere near you claim then you dont have to be on twitter to sell your services....

that means something is wrong and your main income is perhaps not trading but selling the crap signals and services to hopeful public

thanks samirs
Unbelievable. Just goes to show, sometimes the very thing you need is right under your nose 😉

Hi Solo

Sorry should have mentioned at the weekend you can compare on IG advanced charts. Just thought every one with IG used advanced charts, never assume anything in trading
I use IG advanced charts every day, not for comparing.
Have looked at comparing BHP/RIO from London to Sydney.
Gives the difference in percentage terms.
Always found it hard to understand, but also never spent the time with it.
More of an excel numbers person.
BHP London and Sydney


  • BHP Billiton Plc (LSE) (-).png
    BHP Billiton Plc (LSE) (-).png
    17.6 KB · Views: 147
Hi Solo

Sorry should have mentioned at the weekend you can compare on IG advanced charts. Just thought every one with IG used advanced charts, never assume anything in trading
I use IG advanced charts every day, not for comparing.
Have looked at comparing BHP/RIO from London to Sydney.
Gives the difference in percentage terms.
Always found it hard to understand, but also never spent the time with it.
More of an excel numbers person.

No worries Bus. I've never needed advanced charts before as I only use S/R usually which you can draw on the back of a Cornflakes box.

Aussies did well in the swimming, Team GB is struggling big time.
Morning All
BHP +1.77%
RIO +1.85%
Asian markets up very strong apart from China🙂?🙂 again.
Bit of month end at play here for the strong finish.
Plus the FED and ECB adding the buy before the event.
ASX200 up over 4% for the month
Could be some nice shorts to play with in August.
30 to go in Sydney.
Team GB need a gold.