Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Tonight Matthew I'm going to.... attempt Barjon's hedge strategy offsetting Ftse with Dow. If you haven't read the thread "Barjon's Money Making Machine" it makes for very interesting reading. I'll post my results here tomorrow.
Tonight Matthew I'm going to.... attempt Barjon's hedge strategy offsetting Ftse with Dow. If you haven't read the thread "Barjon's Money Making Machine" it makes for very interesting reading. I'll post my results here tomorrow.

don't forget to wait for extreme, solo, ftse has already picked up +40 of the difference after the -74 weak extreme
Is the Hang Seng correlated to the ftse in the same way as dow and ftse?

Is this where the Bustech Kick comes from at 9am?

I still don't get this 9am thing, if hang seng closes up at 9am it gives ftse a slight nudge upwards too is this right?

I find the HK, FTSE, DAX, DOW,ASX200 and probably more markets have strong correlation.
They can have there own stronger and weaker periods during the year.
The furtures markets after the close seems to adjust back to the global markets after the close, more so on extreme days.
Also on extreme days the last hour in HK can drive the FTSE in the first hour.
The two markets that dont seem to follow are Japan(Yen driven) and China(my guess is that the market is closed to the outside world and dont think there is a furtures market).^HSI

HSBC is listed in FSTE and HK42
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don't forget to wait for extreme, solo, ftse has already picked up +40 of the difference after the -74 weak extreme

Whoa there lets calm down here for a minute. Based on what you've just said I have no idea what the hell I'm doing in this case.

+40 of the difference after the -74 weak extreme? ... wait for the extreme?

I was basically going to wait until 08.30am tomorrow morning see if ftse was looking like it might reverse from wherever it opened and make an entry... if goes positive then great if it starts going negative then offset that with a Dow opposite to the ftse.

Of course at that time of the morning the dow will not move in relation to the ftse too well, but eventually the two will correlate together again and then you just have to time the exits trying to get out with as much profit in one and as small a loss as possible in the other.

Reading what you've put about waiting for extremes... turns out I haven't got a fricken clue what I'm doing 😱😱
"The strategy is to wait for an extreme in one direction and then enter in anticipation of a correction. For example, if the initial direction had been a strong difference we would anticipate FTSE weakness relative to DOW and enter sell FTSE, buy DOW. Remember that it doesn’t matter if the market is going up or down, just the relativity between FTSE and DOW. In fact you can do all this without a chart in sight and purely from the numbers. Your positions, of course, will always be x DOW, 2x FTSE. "

So based on the above I was waiting for 08.30 for a reversal, this is the 'extreme' I am anticipating a correction so I have entered. If the ftse goes 'my way' great if it doesn't then I enter the opposite trade on the dow?

I am now confused as to what an 'extreme' is Barjon.
I find the HK, FTSE, DAX, DOW,ASX200 and probably more markets have strong correlation.
They can have there own stronger and weaker periods during the year.
The furtures markets after the close seems to adjust back to the global markets after the close, more so on extreme days.
Also on extreme days the last hour in HK can drive the FTSE in the first hour.
The two markets that dont seem to follow are Japan(Yen driven) and China(my guess is that the market is closed to the outside world and dont think there is a furtures market).

^HSI Components | HANG SENG INDEX Stock - Yahoo!7 Finance

HSBC is listed in FSTE and HK42


Thanks for this Bustech, I was just looking at Nikkei a second ago... at least that's one more chart off my screen now 😆
Damn I get it LOL. Wait for an extreme in PRICE relative to Dow. if Ftse is 2x Dow and tomorrow morning the ftse opens and drops like a brick and Dow doesn't bat an eyelid and now the price difference is say 4.2, then you'd long ftse and short dow and wait for the two to go back to the base of 2.231 difference?

is that right?
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Damn I get it LOL. Wait for an extreme in PRICE relative to Dow. if Ftse is 2x Dow and tomorrow morning the ftse opens and drops like a brick and Dow doesn't bat an eyelid and now the price difference is say 4.2, then you'd long ftse and short dow and wait for the two to go back to the base of 2.231 difference?

is that right?

Just fill in the grey areas.

As only fools and horses said no money back no guarantee.😆


Morning All
BHP +1.10%
RIO +0.60%
Asian markets mixed with a slight downside feel.
AUD down a little, but had a strong week.
US earnings - General Electric
30 to go in Sydney
Foexpros send me this every morning


  • forexpros.png
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morning htw, what u mean "trend pivots" ??


Okay,now that we know that a higher high is when the previous bar's high is crossed,and a higher low is when the low is higher than the previous bar's low,and that a series of higher highs and lows make an uptrend........we retrace a bit and change things around a bit.

Just higher highs and lows alone do not make an uptrend.Yes we have an up-move but an up-move doesn't mean we are in an uptrend.Higher highs and lows form a rally.Lower highs and lows form a decline.

We can have declines in an uptrend.We can have rallies in a downtrend.So now that we know that a series of higher highs is called a RALLY,how then do we define an Uptrend?An UPTREND on a particular time frame is a series of higher pivot highs and lows on that time frame.What then is a downtrend?Nothing but a series of lower pivot highs.

So what then is a Pivot?Okay,we are back to the "Hand" example.Whisk out your right hand again,once again with your right palm facing you.We have our little finger.The ring finger makes a higher high and low as compared to the little finger.The middle finger is higher high and low as compared to the ring finger.We therefore have a RALLY.The index finger makes lower highs and lows as compared to the middle finger.The thumb makes lower highs and lows as compared to the index finger.We therefore have a DECLINE.The middle finger with two lower highs on both sides(ring and index)now forms a PIVOT.

Imagine we have Area A.Rally starts from Area A which is followed by a decline to an area that is higher than Area A.We call this new area where the stock has declined to as Area B.So on so forth..Therefore Area B is higher than Area A,Area C is higher than Area B,so on so forth.We have therefore what is called an uptrend.These areas are pivotal areas where the stock stops its decline and rallies upwards.We refer to these turning points as pivots.

Therefore,in the above example,as each pivot is after a decline,and the pivot is the low after which the stock takes off again,we call them PIVOT LOWS.

Right the opposite in a downtrend.The stock declines from an area and then rallies to an area lower than the first,so on so forth.In this case every pivot is after a rally,and the pivot is that area after which the stock declines further to new lows.

As this pivot tells us of that high after which things go back to its declining ways,we call that a PIVOT HIGH.

So,in an uptrend,we have HIGHER PIVOT LOWS.How did we come to that?Each pivot low is higher than the previous pivot low.Therefore we call it higher pivot lows.

In a downtrend,we have LOWER PIVOT HIGHS.How did we come to that?Each pivot high is lower than the previous pivot high.Therefore we call it lower pivot highs.

In a sideways trend,we have nearly equal pivot highs and lows.