Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

yawn - my hourly ftse figures read - open: 5680, 9am: 5675, 10am: 5674, 11am: 5674.

The young scamp is not even prepared to play while big brother is sleeping tight 🙂
yawn - my hourly ftse figures read - open: 5680, 9am: 5675, 10am: 5674, 11am: 5674.

The young scamp is not even prepared to play while big brother is sleeping tight 🙂

Yesterday ended well and nothing happened until about 1400 so am hoping that the same will happen again. At present, I have 7 points.
Cern Large Hadron Collider: Scientists believe they have captured the “God particle” that holds the universe together

Oh dear.
As with everything we find we'll examine it in the name of science, dissect it to find out how it works, probably break it and existence will come to an end as we know it.
The end of existence could be the straw that finally finishes the euro...😛
afternoon Samirs Barjon and Splitlink,

with US closed not much happening ftse in 16pt range for past 5 hours

only fun today will be watching a parliamentary plods trying to dent a diamond at 1.30
Oh dear.
As with everything we find we'll examine it in the name of science, dissect it to find out how it works, probably break it and existence will come to an end as we know it.
The end of existence could be the straw that finally finishes the euro...😛

so science admits god exists, wow

God particle should be kept away from communists, putting it near them is like giving kryptonite to superman.
talking of the god particle I sense our creator is with us today, creator of this thread MartinC-J,
I think that one of those particles must have hit me because I took 19 points today. I've closed because I don't know what will happen after the FT close. It's been so slow that I went onto the 30M chart.
Ay, Dios!! I should have, I could have but I didn't short that one. I thought that it would drift into a sideways finish.
Morning All
BHP -0.12%
RIO -0.42%
30 to go.
Markets slightly down, but on hold for ECB rate cut.
No real lead for the FTSE from this part of the world.
Morning all

Bank of England expected to give economy £50bn boost
The Bank of England is expected to pump billions of pounds more into the economy today amid growing fears the UK remains mired in recession.
Spain 10-year bond average yield at 6.43% during today's auction, versus 6.044% at previous June auction.