Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dude you've been blocked since pretty much the day you arrived, so don't bother lalalalalalalalala :smart:

what are you trying to do to my dax long Postie, you degenerate! You've obviously scared the market with your huge FTSE short...
Just another buying opportunity. 😆

Complete madness.

lol, more than likely.

For what it's worth, a trader who I respect is mentioning buying put options for the first time in ages today. He's been a bull throughout most of this rally, but I guess he's seen something today to make him worried
Is this the height of 'Fake news'?


Several sources familiar with the matter say that Senator Orrin Hatch of Utah is being given security briefings to prepare him for the Presidency.

Sources close to the legal community indicate that matters are proceeding rapidly in the forthcoming proceedings to remove Donald Trump from office, and to indict the co-conspirators around him."