Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

we touch 38 i'm out all shorts, and out posting here..

its not worth it, did i call it, or not?

its not worth postman coming down on me, after every trade, win, or lose
This is just the last 2 weeks ....

this is my last day... :D

this thread is scalping quarters..big woop

i am done, this is my last post here

that was honsetly my last post,,need to work on catching more of big picture, don't think i can do that on this thread.

i;m out 70, and i'm done her

i get no love here

out, 660 enuf for me

aand, last post

this is it, i am leaving the board.

my last post. must go my own way, win or lose

giving so much, but nothing back, perhaps i've grown a little cynical:|


good bye.

good riddance.

Do you understand why no one takes you seriously?
lets take some profit you idiots, last post

see ya monday, looking for more $ here

buy a lot lower:)

whether you sell it here (good idea), or gap it down MONDAY, i'm waiting for you ...LOWER

Intertrader thinks this is a suitable time to take their platform offline. What a joke!
i'm sure you are a genius (haha)but you arent showing the boat here, are ya? :)

lets see where this lands..

we have no clue where anyone else but but me...:)

i am sure if this gaps down here more than willing here to take credit for it

"i knew it all all along, just playing into it"..