Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Lets burn some "buy da dip" longs here? perfect place..

take ES under 32? lets take all US indices RED,
i'm up for it1
Lets burn some "buy da dip" longs here? perfect place..

take ES under 32? lets take all US indices RED,
i'm up for it

Well unless you have a few tens of billions of dollars in your account you don't have a say in the matter. You wont be 'taking' anything anywhere, you will be following on the coattails of any big moves just like the rest of us.

If you want to stay alive in this game you have to know you are the Hyena not the Lion, you eat what the others have left.
Europe is now trying to work out where it will be at the end of Monday.

Good luck with that.
i knew i'd here from you once I was underwater on any trade..even for a few secs

when i am winning...crickets ;)

Short 20615 YM

trgt 600
i knew i'd here from you once I was underwater on any trade..even for a few secs

when i am winning...crickets ;)

Short 20615 YM

trgt 600

I'm not knocking your trade, thats the markets job. I'm offering my opinion nothing more. Everyone has an opinion ...


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i don't consider myself antisocial (although you may and...)i'm just me?

i'm just me?

i am not the life of any party you would give, no

why is that so hard for you?

i am not anti-social, i don't know what i am.

don't take any my trades, pls

no one should take any of trades, pls don't
Just popped up to the days high. I'm short at 12,050.

I'm still underwater on this, its being kept higher despite the dow falling.

The Trumpster got pulled up by judges with his ban on people from Muslim countries, now he cant perform in congress.

"...30 to 40 Republicans planned to vote “no”; House leaders can afford to lose only 22 votes and still pass the bill."
thats was your first time throwing a little props my...that I can recall..

a thousand post hurt

that faint praise last post..
It meant a lot to me :/

i am different, i know that. Known that for a long time. not bad, nots good, just different, or maybe it is bad everything considered, i don't know...i let it all to the experts..the PhD

I don't know :(
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I am looking for a touch 38 ES on my short...

how is that for a little perspective?

you are forever vague...thats ok we get "it";)

myself, i am about done placing trade here (otherwise lurkers will get what i am doing ;)