Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Hey wait a minute :eek: Piphoe mysteriously stops posting and Dino's pops up out of nowhere!!!!

Dino's you ARE piphoe and I claim my £5. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Well, who knows :p:p:LOL::LOL:


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Dow had multiple attempts at breaking 20,600 yesterday but failed. Is that a positive sign? I dont think so because previously it would only have 2 attempts then spring back like a scalded cat.

More weakness to come in the near future even if Trump gets his bill passed.
After many years trading the markets, I've finally found the holy grail: :LOL::LOL::LOL:


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Dax is desperate to go up today very strong yesterday PM as well, lets see if the yanks will rain on their parade.
The only way the dax is going down is if the Dow falls.


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Dax 12 hours of doing f@ck all, then 3 hours of madness.
This is what the phrase "Waiting for wall street" was invented for.


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I'm not well informed on the vagaries of US politics, but it seems to me that the president can delay a bill on the basis he doesnt have enough votes to win and then when he's bought off enough people he decides its the right time to hold the vote knowing he will win it?

Does that sound right to anyone?

I'm not well informed on the vagaries of US politics, but it seems to me that the president can delay a bill on the basis he doesnt have enough votes to win and then when he's bought off enough people he decides its the right time to hold the vote knowing he will win it?

Does that sound right to anyone?

yes and no
In the end the timing of the votes is decided on who controls the house. Hence why we have had so many delays
The question now is
will the votes be tallied before 4pm or after.
It's looking like they may drag it past 4pm U.S. close
Well it was a good pretence of strength by the dax the dow has cracked the whip and daxy has fallen into line. There will be punishment later.


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bang it down! who wants to be a hero here :)

or just go into weekend with peace of mind?

"I was right all week and taking my cash and running with it see ya on my yaght parked off the bahamas."

i take the latter, see ya MONDAY