Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


lets see where this lands..

we have no clue where anyone else but but me...:)

i am sure if this gaps down here more than willing here to take credit for it

"i knew it all all along, just playing into it"..

beating the street
A random walk down wall street
the billion dollar mistake
crash proof 2.0
reminiscences of a stock operator

Get some money from mom or dad and buy them, you'll thank them one day
In March, the main US indices did not show any progress but also did not suffer any correction. After the sharp fall on the 21st March, some doubts seem to be emerging.
With regard to the real estate market, sales of new homes increased from 6.10% in February to 592,000, the highest of the last 7 Months. Estimates pointed to the 564,000 houses sold.
beating the street
A random walk down wall street
the billion dollar mistake
crash proof 2.0
reminiscences of a stock operator

Get some money from mom or dad and buy them, you'll thank them one day

randomness is illusion created by the noise.

the key is...parse the signal from the noise:|
i want to see some hero's step up and buy this. the DOW

i am waiting...:whistling

maybe you could get 20 or 30 ticks out this here?

that would really feel good if i bought here.

thats the noise!

"against all odds" kind of thing :)

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Hold on to your hats.
Another +100 on the dow.


  • turbo-boost.jpg
    47.5 KB · Views: 51
this is some sick sh^t

this is some some short sh^t
