Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

The June meeting is being held on 14 and 15, a week before the referendum on the United Kingdom staying in the European Union. Although the outcome of this referendum is uncertain, there is a consensus in the case of the British opt for leaving the EU the effects, at least in the short term, the financial markets would result in an exceptional rise in volatility and uncertainty.
this just in...selloff postponed till further notice 😆

apparently they wanted another taste of 18K. so, this short patiently waits..

while sitting here scalping currency all day long 😆
I think maybe they work this a bit higher over 18K first, take out some more shorts/stops above.

How does this sound...

Take it higher thru Thurs then say about an hour or two before the close DUMP IT! thru friday take it under 17,8?

sounds like a plan I could live with 👍
another thing...we are in uncharted waters here

can anyone imagine a 20,000 DOW 😱😱😱


  • dowunchartedwaters.PNG
    63.7 KB · Views: 84
Just keep shorting it. You'll be fine.

just keep longing it. You'll be fine :cheesy:

i don't just keep shorting every cheesy top as you suggest.

trying to figure the next move, just like you.

if, i thought this long, I'D GO LONG.

i'm no permabear as you suggest
somehow these markets are acting really weird these days. it just goes up up up and BOOOM back to monday.......
My account is up 12600% as of 10 minutes ago. I know little about price entry because I just started trading. If anyone is good with price entry I can provide some very reliable numbers. My skype id is lmdgroup1. Send me a request if interested. Momentum experts also wanted
Japan bank announces unchanged falls through the floor down 600 points.

US FOMC announces unchanged AND Apple down 6%, Dow UP 50.

Move along nothing to see here. 🙄