Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

When I get the chance I will post the 1 min chart to back things up.

My first trade of the day was a loser. The price gapped down from the open by 32 points from the close at 7:50am just ten minutes earlier! Such a big gap is unusual for only a 10 minute period. There may have been some news taht created sucha gap, and I haven't checked back to see at what time Moody's downgraded Portugese debt. Anyway, I took the first 2 point move towards the gap at 8:01 and got stopped out a minute later right on my stop of 4.5 points. It traded sideways for 5 minutes and then broke down which I did catch. I was triggered short at 5699.5 at 8:07am on a 2 point move below the low of the 8:05am candle of 5701.5.

For a price target I always have the low of the morning as my first target, and then if it goes through that I look for the next support and resistance level below. It did hit the prior low at 5691.0, bounced 3.5 points before going back down to within 0.5 points of the next level below at 5678.5. I was a little greedy and had my target right on the level at 78.5 and didn't get filled. Usually I set targets a point short of previous support levels, which would have been filled this time. So much for getting greedy. I got stopped out at 88.5 which was my 2 point trailing stop.

In a downtrend I usually trail my stop to 2 points above the high of the last 1 minute candle. This is a good way to trail a runner, but sometimes a little tight and it does get hit early.
US unemployment has been falling for 7 straight years. :clap:
The US indices are near all time highs. :clap:

Interest rates are at near 0% 😱

Whats wrong with this picture!

Fake it till you make it. 😉


  • usunem.png
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God Bless the USA! Home of the brave and the free. 👍

ps postman pullback on the smilies a bit 😆
the open of US markets will be interesting to say the least. a steep selloff or a walk higher? we'll know in T-15 mins and counting.
:clap:................................. :clap:
:clap:................................. :clap:
:clap:...............😛.............. :clap:
:clap:................................. :clap:
:clap:................................. :clap:


  • up.jpg
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you got too much time on your hands 😛

this Japan thing is all the excuse the US markets needed to move in one direction...

nobody knew what to do...know they do

piphoe you must be a really young trader not to have this pattern burned into your retina through seeing it so often.
piphoe you must be a really young trader not to have this pattern burned into your retina through seeing it so often.

you've been right, up till now. this time its different 🙄

the market has an excuse

you might see 17,9 on your longs (assuming we taklking about YM)
sold YM here

the markets aren't taking Japan as seriously as they should they'll wake up