Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Not been trading today, so glad I didn't go long first thing this morning... oh wait.
Not been trading today, so glad I didn't go long first thing this morning... oh wait.


Even by the 'regular' overnight pricing (courtesy of your money grabbing spread betting companies) the Dow fell 700 points last week and is now up over 300 from the lows (17,095). :whistling

Some evil SB's were quoting almost 17,000 flat as their weekend price which is now a 400 point rise !

We must have had some pretty awesome news today from the USofA. :whistling
Someone's been trying to break that eye watering ascent and they've not been doing a very good job of it.


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On the plus side my ftse december calls are about to break even - although now I've said that...

USDJPY been on a tear all day too.

Someone tell me you bought and held from 10500 ?
This morning ftse daily calls were minimum priced at 6 offer at a strike of 130, I contemplated it for a second... bah... if only I had finished the work below at the weekend.

This is a working *draft* of my ftse option chain preview-er - data comes from the IG API;

*pic removed till I can give it more polish!
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Friday - Sell all the way into the close.

Monday - Buy all the way in to the close obviously. 🙄
Opened an 11000 call, expires this Friday, total risk 820 EUR, scalped 21 points this morning so consider the above trade mostly paid for.
Try longer term calls - Dec - .

Sure, I already have Dec calls running for ftse for 6400 & 6600, but I've only being doing options for a couple of weeks now and I'm still getting my head around buying those options with a higher delta/premium - there is quite a lot to learn :| And I wanted to get dax calls above 11k but totally missed the boat when the rally hit yesterday, just goes to show you need to plan option strategies well in advance - more so than normal trading positions IMO.

But I have discovered its quite possible to day-trade using options. People [and I] always thought you only got paid when it hits your strike price, now I know this not to be correct, as you start getting paid out as soon as the option starts its move towards the strike :smart:

I am not using daily options (because I woke up late) but the weeklies give me a good chance the target will be met - so if it goes against me after opening then as the premium is already written off in my head I am not too bothered as I lay faith in a reversion to the mean.

Just sold that weekly for a 20% gain, will re-buy lower, if not c'est la vie
Sure, I already have Dec calls running for ftse for 6400 & 6600, but I've only being doing options for a couple of weeks now and I'm still getting my head around buying those options with a higher delta/premium - there is quite a lot to learn :| And I wanted to get dax calls above 11k but totally missed the boat when the rally hit yesterday, just goes to show you need to plan option strategies well in advance - more so than normal trading positions IMO.

But I have discovered its quite possible to day-trade using options. People [and I] always thought you only got paid when it hits your strike price, now I know this not to be correct, as you start getting paid out as soon as the option starts its move towards the strike :smart:

I am not using daily options (because I woke up late) but the weeklies give me a good chance the target will be met - so if it goes against me after opening then as the premium is already written off in my head I am not too bothered as I lay faith in a reversion to the mean.

Just sold that weekly for a 20% gain, will re-buy lower, if not c'est la vie

You need Dax Dec calls - ECB 3/12 - .

Day trading options is not practical , spreads are wide , swing trading is more suitable here ....

Wherever the Dax and ftse are wandering off to today I have a question.

Are we there yet?