Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

g'day Martin - raining again?. Aye the disconnect doing me good (but not quite good enough yet!!)
g'day Martin - raining again?. Aye the disconnect doing me good (but not quite good enough yet!!)

Tipping down again. Don't know what I'm going to do when the sun starts shining again!

Thought you might have caught the disconnect. Well done.
see 9:00 reversal time went today, a tad early - should hold 'til 10:00 now.
Hi,, Friday prayers for me today... time to chill out and reflect my naval..

have put a cheeky order in to go long eur / gbp a bit further up from this mornings price level.. 800 was a big round number
Hi,, Friday prayers for me today... time to chill out and reflect my naval..

have put a cheeky order in to go long eur / gbp a bit further up from this mornings price level.. 800 was a big round number

Salaam brother, you really pray on Fridays