Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Dax bounce off 520, then bounce off 540, now a bounce off 560.

11,600+ coming soon.

It took nearly 1 hour for Dax to crawl down to 560 as soon as it touched the level it shot up instantly.
Still in such a tight range though. 🙁
Dax 11,600 just in time for Mr Powell to tell us interest rate rises are imminent and the Dow will tank. 😆
And she puked.


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AFAIK it has to go through their parliament first and the Syriza rumour mill would have it that some aren't very happy with any of the concessions made.


But any whiff of anything will make this thing rally 100 points in secs. Last week was a perfect example of that. About 3 / 4 rallies off of people's words haha. 👎😆
S&P dropped and is just sitting there.
Someone has some news that isnt public yet.
Wait till it hits the wires.
^ yes also true, but given we have rallied ~800 points over 2.5 days on the basis of no signed agreement, nerves and profit taking are going to set in at some time no?
i had a look this morning and im just back in now.i expected a slight fall in the ftse to be honest-i cant comment on the crazy dax-