Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

^^^ I echo this, you seem to be slightly more long term than a scalper by reading your calls. Just curious what you do to work your calls out.
10030 - very small short, SL 10040 and going home.

See, what happens in 1h. :) In worst case, I'll lose coffe. In best case, it could be a dinner on the table.

EDIT: moved to BE.


Obviously taken out for BE.

But.... what's going on? Prior to this, DAX had no bottom and US indices were flying. Now it's vice-versa. On full short signal and down from huge R, DAX falls few 10 pips? Should be hundreds...:-0

Dow on the other hand is back at daily bottom. If it breaks, we know what that means.

Crazy world...

Ok, will write a bit of explanation when i reach home, in train at the moment.

first two positions were not based on channel. However , market moved quickly to upper part of channel, it was still ok to hold them. I was waiting to short above 10k , so shorted again.

So basiclly two setups are working simultaneously, ... the first setup is based on candlestick and sentiments plus resistance, something which i am trying to fine tune for a long time... i still think the first setup should work.
it wants to break...but we do not know the direction
if we get it wrong..we double up on the other side
Obviously taken out for BE.

But.... what's going on? Prior to this, DAX had no bottom and US indices were flying. Now it's vice-versa. On full short signal and down from huge R, DAX falls few 10 pips? Should be hundreds...:-0

Dow on the other hand is back at daily bottom. If it breaks, we know what that means.

Crazy world...

i wasnt paying major attention but i agree the dax was doing its own thing today-it was flying and ignoring the dow-
might want to test that trend/red
5 min
The abandonment of the connection to the Euro by the Bank of Switzerland certainly was the event of the day. Volatility continue to be a hallmark on the European sessions. The oil sector can recover some of the recent losses but remain a major source of volatility. Sustainable rising oil will only be possible when materialize one of two conditions: a minor imbalance between supply and demand or a decline of the dollar against major currencies.
Ok, look at DOW and the channel I was taking about... 10030 - 10090 is sell area.

The only problem that i can see with those shorts is
1-massive move today on dax
2- dax rose whilst dow was weak
3-dow ended down but the futures are up now which may make for futher upside tomorrow on all indices.
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If anybody cares, attached is overlay DAX-DOW (DAX with Japanese candlesticks).



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