Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

order to sell dow 17300 sl 15 tp 40

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ES coiling up ..ready for a big pop
nice triangle formed
looks to be heading downward...not confirmed as yet

have added some trendlines...pretty negative
but...if you look at lower trendline..that gets tested at 2008-2013 ,possibly 2016 area if it recoils
15 min data shows the down move from nfp
should take the dax with it if it breaks

itspossible, I am trading a channel and shorted at upper part of channel.
I see.Is that chart and channel obvious to everyone or is your unique system.
sry for the questions as im not a chartists but find other peoples views interesting.
i was just watching the prices today on the dax/ftse and dow.a very strange day as the ftse and dax did not follow the dow and the dax took may have something to do with that flash crash in the fx market.:eek: