Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

dax completely out of sync...which is good for traders
dow and es have been characterised the last few days with fakeouts...which got shorted
dax plods upwards unaware of bearish price action
Long dax 612

Stop at 575. Looking for dow to go up on the open and take the dax with it.

200 point reversal. :rolleyes:

another one of your down on our 'knee praying for reversal' calls Postie?

The dax has already reversed the best part of 200 points (193). I'm catching the upside now.

Hope you've caught on to trading the reversals, its been working well for me since 5th Jan!

Although I think its over for now. :(
Infact FXCM's accounts are protected against a "negative balance" .

Found the article in question I read yesterday


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