Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


Hope alls well

Just lost my wonderful dad ---------- but hope some of his wit and humour has passed on to me , because without laughter it would be a sad world

Its very sad to read. May God send him to heaven.

Hope alls well

Just lost my wonderful dad ---------- but hope some of his wit and humour has passed on to me , because without laughter it would be a sad world

Sorry to hear mate ...

Hope alls well

Just lost my wonderful dad ---------- but hope some of his wit and humour has passed on to me , because without laughter it would be a sad world

My condolences BP

A person that departs from this earth never truly leaves, for they are still alive in our hearts and minds, through us, they live on
The S&P is breaking , i now need to read some of zerohedge articles :LOL:

Hope alls well

Just lost my wonderful dad ---------- but hope some of his wit and humour has passed on to me , because without laughter it would be a sad world

Sincere condolences.
Take comfort from the people close to you and from your family. Support them when you can.
Wonderful dad - that tells a lot, treasure the memories and continue on the way he has shown you to be right.
Best wishes,