Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

If that price did end up holding and the bounce took place what would you estimate the price would reach?

It is difficult to say and a guess at best without watching the PA, but I'd say the first level price would retrace for support on a bounce would be that 6805/6 area. Whether it pauses there, gathers steam and tries to crack that 6778 area again; or just continues upwards is uncertain.
good run on Indices
there is still a bit more space to the upside on dax in relation to time, in relation to PA levels one needs to become a more careful as ITD5 is on the horizon. It is due on WED 28th of May.
The US close zone from last session has again provided good pips, so it was a good trade.
Started experimenting with P&F charting.Still am waiting for the book to arrive on P&F.


  • 2014-05-26_084100 DAX ITD.png
    2014-05-26_084100 DAX ITD.png
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  • 2014-05-26_084506 DAX M5.png
    2014-05-26_084506 DAX M5.png
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  • 2014-05-26_084811 DAX P&F.png
    2014-05-26_084811 DAX P&F.png
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good run on Indices
there is still a bit more space to the upside on dax in relation to time, in relation to PA levels one needs to become a more careful as ITD5 is on the horizon. It is due on WED 28th of May.
The US close zone from last session has again provided good pips, so it was a good trade.
Started experimenting with P&F charting.Still am waiting for the book to arrive on P&F.

On entry 9777 where was your stop?
good run on Indices
there is still a bit more space to the upside on dax in relation to time, in relation to PA levels one needs to become a more careful as ITD5 is on the horizon. It is due on WED 28th of May.
The US close zone from last session has again provided good pips, so it was a good trade.
Started experimenting with P&F charting.Still am waiting for the book to arrive on P&F.

Experimenting with P&F compared with M5.
Setting on P&F box size 7, reverse on 3
Other setting I shall try is Box 5 and box 8 for intra day, reverse on 3.


  • 2014-05-26_144722 Dax M5 Dax P&F DOW M5.png
    2014-05-26_144722 Dax M5 Dax P&F DOW M5.png
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My new 'long only' method would have had me long from from about 9810 this morning but I slept in due to a nasty hangover! :(

Tempted to short here at 9890, but rules are rules. No more shorting something that is geared to go up over time!!
there were 2 trades today/ breakout points /aqua lines
but...who cares
i did something better
one of my daughter"s took me out to a great restaurant for lunch...plenty of white wine
