Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Morning Girls

Looks what fun the DAX has when the UK and USA are closed.
Bit more movement in Asia today.
See if it can carry on into UK/Europe.
Tell you what, was long the DAX from first thing, it just spiked, but it's a hell of a job catching the peek, i need a gaming mouse........:LOL:

Flat...... +12.5
The dax bull doesnt have the strength to make 10,000 today.
Maybe a pull back first. ;)
I shall short dax only below 9870 and be conservative on SL
Dax has still strong bullish momentum, H4 TF might start to print a pose to that, but one needs confirmation. On daily still expect a new H within the next few days.
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I shall short dax only below 9870 and be conservative on SL
Dax has still strong bullish momentum, H4 TF might start to print a pose to that, but one needs confirmation. On daily still expect a new H within the next few days.

Shouldnt that be "...below 9870 and be UKIP on SL..." if your trading against Europe? :LOL:
mornin' all

I'm beginning to think the thread's got the wrong title :LOL:. Anyone trading dear old ftse?
IMO US equities are going back to unch line - Friday close - today ...
mornin' all

I'm beginning to think the thread's got the wrong title :LOL:. Anyone trading dear old ftse?

Brief short this morn, but seem to spend most of my time on the DAX, (i blame Postie )......but seem to be getting better on it. when i'm improved on it i shall start trading both......:)
I think Draghi put a 100% tax on selling Dax. Nobody bothers anymore. I can hear the sirens.

Typical , they will hold it until the next ECB meeting , i doubt he will surprise the markets ...