Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

i belive this is more the arrogance of the seniors. I mean, is it wrong to discuss and argument here?
I cant believe that you reacting always that pissed like a pregnant wife and honestly, i have not seen any analyses from these guys yet, who reacting always like i descriped.

And don´t worry, i´m out here now.
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Its Draghi's fault after all , everyone here is tense lately , the Dax is not tradeable , so apparently we have to wait another couple of weeks of this until the next ECB meeting :D
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i belive this is more the arrogance of the seniors. I mean, is it wrong to discuss and argument here?
I cant believe that you reacting always that pissed like a pregnant wife and honestly, i have not seen any analyses from these guys yet, who reacting always like i descriped.

And don´t worry, i´m out here now.

What make of car do you drive.
i belive this is more the arrogance of the seniors. I mean, is it wrong to discuss and argument here?
I cant believe that you reacting always that pissed like a pregnant wife and honestly, i have not seen any analyses from these guys yet, who reacting always like i descriped.

And don´t worry, i´m out here now.

On the contrary, r0b, yours is the arrogance from when you appear on this thread telling the rest of us that us that we don't really know what we are doing, our methods have no meaning and that we can't even pretend to be trading professionally if we don't use fibs.

No one really gives a fig for pretty analysis - we're traders not fortune tellers. Any analysis we might use merely serves as a back drop to trading what is actually happening.
@Sonic Alfa Romeo 4c

@barjon everything i wrote as nothing to do with arrogance. I have another community where we discuss and argument our analyses, we are sharing them for each other like I do in my thread and then we are talking about that. In a familar way. Not like here, where everyone starts flaming immediately. I thought, it could be interesting to find something like that in a non german community too, but your comprehension of a trading community is way different then mine.
So, If everyone always reacts pissed when i try to start a conversation, i really do not need to waste my and your time with that. Then, i´m just at the wrong place here. thats okay.
hey postie i don't suppose you could post your very educational cartoon about buying the dips again could you?

i'm sure the new guys will love it ..:)
@Sonic Alfa Romeo 4c

I drive a BMW X5, so if we were on a car forum and i told you everything about the BMW, all wheel drive, 3.0l sport, the bhp etc and where i live and how good it is on mountain roads and that your Alfa would be useless in winter, and why would you buy an Italian car that fall apart especially when your German, would you not think that i was arrogant and should respect your point of view as to why you chose an Alfa........The Alfa works for you, the X5 works for me, they are different but do the job for each of us.
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Sonic, if you want to stay with this example. I´m just asking why you use these tires or ignition plugs and not some others, and you answer "why do you care about my decisions, are u stupid you young litte idiot etc."
if you would have a look at the reactions of dowjones or of yourself, you will see that i´m right with that.
Doesn´t matter now anyway. Good Luck guys, i´m really out here.
@Sonic Alfa Romeo 4c

@barjon everything i wrote as nothing to do with arrogance. I have another community where we discuss and argument our analyses, we are sharing them for each other like I do in my thread and then we are talking about that. In a familar way. Not like here, where everyone starts flaming immediately. I thought, it could be interesting to find something like that in a non german community too, but your comprehension of a trading community is way different then mine.
So, If everyone always reacts pissed when i try to start a conversation, i really do not need to waste my and your time with that. Then, i´m just at the wrong place here. thats okay.

r0b, you still don't seem to get it. No-one is averse to discussion and sharing alternative analyses. What is objectionable is your "my way is the way"/ "your way is wrong" attitude.

You may be the most brilliant analyst in the world, but you've still got to be able to trade it which is often a different story. In this thread we tend to concentrate on the trading.
While the ES is up 0.4% the TF is up 1.2% , which is good for my spread trade , however its a bit tricky ...
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Just like people before you, you come on here telling people who do this for a living that somehow they are all wrong, just get on with what you do and give it a rest.

This is one of the first posts i wrote to you yesterday.... As in the car example, i can respect what you see in your charts, but respect that i do not see anything as i am not you.
r0b1n - I'm not interested in analysis, calls or any cr*p like that, I'm interested in p&l. How was your p&l today? When you show me you're making more money than me, I'll be very interested to listen, until then, not so much... have a nice day.

To be fair though, You could be a good trader with a smaller account balance and make money each day. Just because some Sheik has £10m in his account and punts £500 per point looking for 10 ticks with no stop doesn't make him a better trader.

Really it's a combination of all the elements. At the end of the day though, the P&L shows how well you manage your trades and if you are telling the truth in relation to your live calls.
To be fair though, You could be a good trader with a smaller account balance and make money each day. Just because some Sheik has £10m in his account and punts £500 per point looking for 10 ticks with no stop doesn't make him a better trader.

Really it's a combination of all the elements. At the end of the day though, the P&L shows how well you manage your trades and if you are telling the truth in relation to your live calls.

Agree , being richer doesnt necessarily make you a better trader .
Just because some Sheik has £10m in his account and punts £500 per point looking for 10 ticks with no stop doesn't make him a better trader.

Good mate of mine who introduced me to trading a good few years ago (and needs shooting for doing that!) used to trade like that.
He was very rich, and traded around £120 per pip on the Dow which was more or less play money in his eyes. He'd regularly make (and lose) 20k in a day.
He tended to make lots of money most days though, because he pretty much refused to take losses and averaged down, which we all know works and works (until it doesn't).
His statements would have people thinking he was a trading God, whereas it wouldn't really tell the whole picture, lol.
p.s He actually has a username on this site! (hardly ever posted though and hasn't posted in about 6 years)
I won't reveal his user ID, but it's interesting that there's all kinds of people with all kinds of backgounds on the other side of the screen!
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