Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Do you guys discount out of hours trading from your analysis?

I use price between 8am and 9pm and am mindful of the overnight price but dont use it in calculations
I dont use a chart or technicals just OHLC price
Pretty new. Been doing demo's for 5 months and had a teacher who does day trading (spread betting) show me what he does. Done ALOT of research online etc. Got my live account but still doing trades on my demo to make sure i stick to the discipline.

trading is 90% psychological meaning the technique you hone on a demo account can only be 10%, once real money is used then hopefully you will find a whole new set of trading skills
Dont try to kill or capture the market be content to take a little piece now and then
Anyone have recommendations for charts with good tools like fibs? I can't use the IG prorealtime charts on my work laptop!