Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

morning people

dow gave up lot of gains into close.

might need back and fill today

watch june 1866 to detect if bull is losing momentum (yday cash sp low) we are well above it.

posted that at 8:21 this morning, june low is 1867.5

and dow seems to be backing and filling

dow 550 bullish for week view, would want to run longs above 550

cya tomorrow everyone
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16512 is the 61.8 retracement acting as strong resistance so far.I have a target for 16467 if it holds
Do you guys discount out of hours trading from your analysis?

Whats analysis? :LOL:

I take it one day at a time one hour at a time.
You can get charts that include out of hours stuff and ones that only have in hours data. So 2 people will see different charts for the same day and make different decisions based on their chart :confused:
Oscar doesnt use out of hours data. :whistling

In other words, do whatever works for you. (y)
Draghi speaks tomorrow.
Let me guess he's going to tell everyone he's really really really ready to apply stimulus and will do it at any moment - but wont actually do it. Cue another annoying question from a reporter saying isnt talking about it and not doing it damaging your reputation...
Thats how it went last time and the time before and the ...
Today I will be looking to short Dax at cash open if it is less than 9591, 1st target 9544 then looking to see if/how it gets through yesterday low of 9539, 2nd target 9480..

Otherwise bullish with open above 9591, watching how it gets above 9610..

99 for me with a stop at break even now, but got a feeling i might get stopped out

Didnt get stopped out, out at +13

Very nice. Quick in and out always good. (y)
I'm waiting for something bigger today. 3 gap ups on Dax... one will get filled soon and thats 50 points. :)
Nice profit here from 2 longs - Dax - , looking for pull backs now to re-enter ...
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