Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

cash 1859.2 would guarantee an up close for US markets

yesterday the russell 2000 iwm/rut were up strong, and had lead this down swing
Didnt we see this last week.
Dow gap <100 points, falls from open and doesnt stop.
I think I'm just trying to convince myself.

dow puts in high in first 60 mins, this has been pattern over many days

intraday got no muscle to push the opening high higher
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Those stubborn Germans still refusing to let it stay below 9500.
Yanks looking like keeping it round 300 for the time being.
Us Brits not letting it go anywhere near 6600 at all this afternoon. Infact it's not gone below yesterdays high yet since it moved through it this morning.

What's gonna give first if it's a yogi bear day....Yanks or Ze Germans