Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Have you ever had to rebase this relationship. i.e. if you were to start it again from data 3 weeks ago would it still show reverting to mean over the last 3 weeks.
I have access to ftse data but cant get dow data atm or I would have tried it myself.


No, postie, it's been weak, weak, weak over last three weeks with minimal reversions intraday. Showing a bit of strength today, though, so maybe reversion beginning but it's unlikely to go the whole way. I look for half reversion as target for the intraday stuff.
People will be on stand by waiting for the surprisingly good GDP numbers out at 9:30 ;)
Then we'll see if the old dame can relight her fire!

The number will be spot on 0.8
its the second estimate, and the increments are so large how could they get it wrong.

No, postie, it's been weak, weak, weak over last three weeks with minimal reversions intraday. Showing a bit of strength today, though, so maybe reversion beginning but it's unlikely to go the whole way. I look for half reversion as target for the intraday stuff.

ps: here's some figures for you - it's a bit gappy cos of my absences and a bit false since it works on 2:1 relationship when it's now around 2.3:1 but it gives you the idea.


  • ftsedow(2).xls
    218 KB · Views: 75
Hey Barjon I'm Short FTSE at 6656 and long Dow from last night at 16084 that makes me paired. :D
Hey Barjon I'm Short FTSE at 6656 and long Dow from last night at 16084 that makes me paired. :D


hey, and further to the dow leading way discussion with jessi, try this experiment - do your analysis on the dow, but trade it on ftse. eg: if dow bounces off support then ftse will go up too wherever it happens to be in relation to its own s/r. Maybe reluctant to do so, of course, which brings us back to relative strength and weakness :LOL:
parliament committee of incompetent mp's trying to question banker criminals why they thought selling royal mail on a 6.6% dividend yield made sense. can be watched live

when watching these clowns do remember that the mp's are paid more than 95% of the population and an 11% pay rise is being considered.
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Short ftse 6656

That's because the numbers were precisely what the market expected.

I think you are a bit late to be shorting the FTSE as it's Santa rally hasn't started yet and it's looking strong today.

I could be wrong however.

hey, and further to the dow leading way discussion with jessi, try this experiment - do your analysis on the dow, but trade it on ftse. eg: if dow bounces off support then ftse will go up too wherever it happens to be in relation to its own s/r. Maybe reluctant to do so, of course, which brings us back to relative strength and weakness :LOL:

Do you think the US injecting huge amounts of money into their markets is skewing this relationship? At some point fundamental differences must stretch this elastic to breaking point.
That's because the numbers were precisely what the market expected.

I think you are a bit late to be shorting the FTSE as it's Santa rally hasn't started yet and it's looking strong today.

I could be wrong however.

Your NEVER too late to short the FTSE. :LOL:
Short ftse 6656

That's because the numbers were precisely what the market expected.

I think you are a bit late to be shorting the FTSE as it's Santa rally hasn't started yet and it's looking strong today.

I could be wrong however.

I had a support / resistance line on my chart @ 6658 it goes way back.
FTSE bounced off it as support twice Fri and Tue, then it became resistance today.
Do you think the US injecting huge amounts of money into their markets is skewing this relationship? At some point fundamental differences must stretch this elastic to breaking point.

yeah, it's almost as if Carney has turned the tap off secretly over here (£332billion put in so far) while they are still flooding it in US.
Do you think the US injecting huge amounts of money into their markets is skewing this relationship? At some point fundamental differences must stretch this elastic to breaking point.

I'm watching the Dow go up and the FTSE go down.