Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

That's the whole point, jessi - it hasn't done for four weeks now and that is what is so unusual. Have a read of my "Money Machine" thread to see how the relationship works.

Have you ever had to rebase this relationship. i.e. if you were to start it again from data 3 weeks ago would it still show reverting to mean over the last 3 weeks.
I have access to ftse data but cant get dow data atm or I would have tried it myself.
Dom today

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S&P poised for upside
S&P poised for upside


The FTSE remains the ugly duckling among the index swans right now. The UK index has come off noticeably harder in the last couple of sessions than either the DAX or the S&P, both of which were in much stronger uptrends beforehand. My gut feeling is that the FTSE will play catch-up sooner or later. In the meantime, I would focus on the S&P, whose rally has been decisive and convincing, but which has not become overbought unlike the DAX.

I did a fantastic interview the other day with Andrew Smithers – one of the few economists to warn of the trouble in equities ahead in 2000 and then again in 2007. He’s got a stark warning about the outlook for the S&P in 2014, which I’ll be releasing shortly. You can hear his thoughts on the UK’s economic revival here, meanwhile.

I shall be speaking about “the Ideal Portfolio” at the Lecture Club in London on Thursday 28 November

The S&P’s drift sideways and lower since Monday’s highs has been as mild as they come. To me, this screams of a market consolidating ahead of another upwards push. An attack on 1845 is next up, I reckon. Note that the S&P isn’t overbought on either daily or intraday timeframes.

DAY: Stay long or buy a bounce off the 21-fourhourly EMA

POSITION: Stay long.
People will be on stand by waiting for the surprisingly good GDP numbers out at 9:30 ;)
Then we'll see if the old dame can relight her fire!

I didnt know you were a take that fan.

Worth a watch for the OMG factor of a young Robbie Williams and Garry Barlow.
Is that the same Dom that posted 2 days ago FTSE to fly shortly and then it fell 58 points.

I feel underwhelmed. Mind you by the law of averages he may be right one day.

- We all get it wrong sometimes, even me. :innocent:

To be fair Postman he said....."It is now seventeen trading days since the FTSE went into its correction. I see this ending happily, however, with another confident burst to 6875. Everything points to such an outcome, as I see it: seasonality, momentum, and sentiment.

DAY: Buy again when the 21- and 55-EMAs cross.

POSITION: Nothing for now"

no cross yet.. least not a bullish one!
I have to say the Santa rally effect is wearing rather thin. :(
I may even be leaning towards the down side for a short time.
Maybe our moral is being worn down before the final move up. :)