Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??


did you read the thread where dax30 explained his gap opening play, something along lines that 80% of time dax retraces back to opening level?

Yes but he had a very strange interpretation of what opening level meant. :confused:
Having arrived at my 'office' at 6.45 today after leaving for work at 6.44 I'd almost forgot sheeple are facing a nightmare journey into work today. Mustn't laugh. No mustn't laugh....

Having arrived at my 'office' at 6.45 today after leaving for work at 6.44 I'd almost forgot sheeple are facing a nightmare journey into work today. Mustn't laugh. No mustn't laugh....


so many trains cancelled. might go for my "workout" now the storm has died down.
ftse on daily has done one very slight lower low on daily out of 13 days , friday low was 6700

oscar looking for 1803 sp500dec (6903 approx)
To be fair to him he has been saying this is a bull market and buy the dips for as long as I can remember.

he is spot on , also identified the break in long dollar,long equity relationship, also correctly said there would be no taper in sept

SD - you posted this video - it shows Oscar saying at 14:55 minutes "Fed to taper from 85 to $50B in september"
If you post enough videos with different theories then your bound to get one right. Then you can come back and reference it and tell the world you called it correctly.
Long term - he's good.
Short term he's cr@p.
And he touts himself as "Short term trader". 3 days last week he got it wrong.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about Oscar. :innocent:
SD - you posted this video - it shows Oscar saying at 14:55 minutes "Fed to taper from 85 to $50B in september"
If you post enough videos with different theories then your bound to get one right. Then you can come back and reference it and tell the world you called it correctly.
Long term - he's good.
Short term he's cr@p.
And he touts himself as "Short term trader". 3 days last week he got it wrong.
I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree about Oscar. :innocent:

he said before they were supposed to taper that they would not taper.

this is the video day before decision on sept 18th. "no way are we starting any tapering"

also says Russell and Nasdaq are going higher , correct on both counts

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