Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

Theres so little trading going on I think that was just a gust of wind that blew the Dow up 13 points.
Its on its way back down now. :LOL:
Grind the Bears to dust or run off with your profits for the week. Its the Bulls choice :rolleyes:
Unfortunately they're not known for their love of bears. :(
If theyre trying to chase me out of my trade its working. I'll give it 10 more minutes to turn around or until my stops hit then thats me for the night.
I've closed at break even 538. This could go 40 points either way before close. And I'm not into 50 50 risks.
Have a good weekend SD.
Another good week for you I hope. (y)
I've closed at break even 538. This could go 40 points either way before close. And I'm not into 50 50 risks.
Have a good weekend SD.
Another good week for you I hope. (y)

Crikey Postie - how long is your trading day !:)

You are not a 7am to 11am chap then:)
Crikey Postie - how long is your trading day !:)

You are not a 7am to 11am chap then:)

No not 7am to 11am. But most days are shorter than when I commuted.
I used to leave the house a 7am and get back just after 7pm nearly every day.
3 hours lost each day.... :sleep:
Now I can dip in and out when I like so even though I trade 'odd' hours I have more 'me time' :clap:
good morning everyone

sp500dec has hit 1760, buy any dips

dow buy sell 590/550

we are above 590 currently 615 so be bullish unless dow goes below 590

strong weekly close on friday sets up for more strength this week

dow has only done 1 lower low on daily out of 12 trading days.
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A lesson I re learnt on Friday was that if you are already in a position then it tends to cloud your judgement over what happens next. I was short and was looking for evidence to back up my position and ignoring the setup that Vasco saw (the same one I traded last week).
Now without a position in place I've shorted the Dax 9017 for one of those Gap closes (that dont seem to happen anymore. :whistling)
A lesson I re learnt on Friday was that if you are already in a position then it tends to cloud your judgement over what happens next. I was short and was looking for evidence to back up my position and ignoring the setup that Vasco saw (the same one I traded last week).
Now without a position in place I've shorted the Dax 9017 for one of those Gap closes (that dont seem to happen anymore. :whistling)

excellent postman, listen to the message of the market, "trade what you see not what you think" as someone once said.

strong market does not usually surrender its gains. stick data into spreadsheet and confirm this is true
US markets open at 1.30 today.
Data 1 hr earlier.
How does that effect the Bustech???
Looks like the DAX and FTSE are in a dilemma.
They dont want to go any higher, but they dont want to go down either.
Somethings going to give, but I bet we have to wait for Mr Dow to tell us what way... :rolleyes:
Looks like the DAX and FTSE are in a dilemma.
They dont want to go any higher, but they dont want to go down either.
Somethings going to give, but I bet we have to wait for Mr Dow to tell us what way... :rolleyes:

dow moving to 592, 590 and below bearish for ftse

590 = ftse 6725