Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

I guess that means 520 has held.
Now 540?


529 hit target today upside is 600. close if goes below 529

dow held levels derived from futures as did ftse (6704)

yesterday ftse hit high level implying dow had already hit its daily target 512/540 today ftse has not done that.

for instance those who are bullish dow before cash opens can buy the FTSE as a proxy instead.
Well I wonder how long I can keep ripping 17 points off the Dow everytime it dips 20 points. :LOL:
Do you think the grind up is on again SD?

from yesterdays close market felt like it had to back and fill, because of unfilled open gap. the current range is only 45 pts. so we got at least 40pts somewhere due to us might be on the top. tactic is to get long above 529, and target 590 (dropped from 600)
from yesterdays close market felt like it had to back and fill, because of unfilled open gap. the current range is only 45 pts. so we got at least 40pts somewhere due to us might be on the top. tactic is to get long above 529, and target 590 (dropped from 600)

I still have a feeling in my water about a drop to the 360 level. See any swans around?
I still have a feeling in my water about a drop to the 360 level. See any swans around?

thats about 200pt range we got enough juice for that?
weekly close today where they close it tells alot about next week

15,475 possible extreme

all we can do is wait for last 30/60mins
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thats about 200pt range we got enough juice for that?
weekly close today where they close it tells alot about next week
15,475 possible extreme
all we can do is wait for last 30/60mins

I'd have to go with 475 today, then 360 next week. Just a feeling.
Messy daily chart today, weakness at 515.
I'd have to go with 475 today, then 360 next week. Just a feeling.

strong weekly close will setup bull for next week. we need a correction , ftse only did a 29pt range during 8 and 1/2 hours. the spread betting companies have families to feed, someone help them