Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

market feels like friday, wander aimlessly until the last 30mins. when the pro;s come in and buy it.

friday feels like every other day. lets hope it doesn't see its own shadow because then something bad happens
I'm long Dow - any price - all in.
Closing @ 16,000 probably Friday of this week if we dont make it by Thursday night. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I missed this from top reporting channel CNBC :LOL: last week.

Fed could up QE to $1 trillion a month:

Reported without question or any hint of irony.

Just how dumb is that reporter.

lol, they are not journalists ,

dow got no energy. just wants to drift into year end,

CNBC gives air time to one chap who has been exposed by Felix Salmon, they have no shame.

dow closes unchanged,
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Beginning to wonder if the DAX will hit 10,000 by the end of the year. Please tell me I'm mad.

No upside target is mad in this market!
You are as sane as the next trader. Hmmm hang on, I'm the next trader. In which case your as mad as a box of frogs. :LOL:
Seriously if the FED announce no taper on Wednesday its up up up all the way to Christmas and beyond. There's no holding these markets back while free money is on offer. :rolleyes:
No upside target is mad in this market!
You are as sane as the next trader. Hmmm hang on, I'm the next trader. In which case your as mad as a box of frogs. :LOL:
Seriously if the FED announce no taper on Wednesday its up up up all the way to Christmas and beyond. There's no holding these markets back while free money is on offer. :rolleyes:

As long as everyone continues to forget that America and half of Euroland are really bankrupt.
As long as everyone continues to forget that America and half of Euroland are really bankrupt.

I posted a video yesterday and thought the guy speaking was an idiot suggesting QE $1b per month.
Now the number may be crazy but his thoughts behind it were not as mad as some members of congress, in that the FED have painted themselves into a corner where they cant stop QE. As soon as they do the market will tank, but the longer they leave it the worse it will be. This will be the bubble to end all bubbles.
Just snaffled a few points on the downside before open. I'm going long early and just leaving the position open today.