Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

a better veiw of the dax
we can see the breakout point quite clearly
this chart got bullish on wednesday..the main break was on thursday
supp is horizontal and trend in 8364 area
minor in 8420 area

mornin' sd et al

ftse opened -16 weak vs dow but trading strong and picked up 8 of those in first few mins
Morning SD and All

Div's kick in this week

Tue 14.5

Tue 14.9
Thurs 4.8
Next Mon 5.2

Fri 0.1
ftse seems to have a gap at open this morning ....also still has gap around would be nice if we close this mornings gap and then head on up to 6700....ah yes so simple ha :)
ftse seems to have a gap at open this morning ....also still has gap around would be nice if we close this mornings gap and then head on up to 6700....ah yes so simple ha :)

10:00am reversal in play - might do the first gap bit, not sure about the heading up after that though :LOL:
I know how to calculate it but they have reduced their levels, for some reason. I'll find out, soon enough.

morning Splitlink

have u thought about contacting them and asking them, might be due to low volumes and low vix trying to drum up extra business
morning Splitlink

have u thought about contacting them and asking them, might be due to low volumes and low vix trying to drum up extra business

If I was in the UIK, I might do, but probably isn't worth the telephone charge to satisfy my curiosity. They have a chat session in the evenings. I'll ask them, then.