Anyone scalping the FTSE Futures??

i was looking for a break this morning:(


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FTSE seems incapable of following dow bounce

aye, ftse been relatively weak 13 out of last 14 days and is currently a huge 375 points lower than it should be if it had kept pace with dow during that time. Just to show how severe the disconnect is, ftse is only weak by 450 for this year so far :eek:
aye, ftse been relatively weak 13 out of last 14 days and is currently a huge 375 points lower than it should be if it had kept pace with dow during that time. Just to show how severe the disconnect is, ftse is only weak by 450 for this year so far :eek:

think some of it can be explained by dollar strength and some by the attractiveness of us large caps
Morning guys, looking at DAX today going to try to long at 8190 and see if this rising trendline holds

Morning Talbs, DL,

Looks like quite a struggle to reach break even this morning on FTSE and Dax.
Morning All

Asia was flat all morning.
Then some late afternoon buying in Hong Kong and Japan.
China back on line Thursday.
UK jobs, German CPI and Euro Industrial Production on the docket today.

DOW futures been climbing higher all day, current plus 62 - .40%